Overflow Drain


New Member
Ok, this may be confusing. I have a 55gal with 2 built-in corner overflows (1 in, 1 out) Drilled at the botom going to and from a 29gal sump. Problem is my fitting going to the sump is smaller than the one going to the tank and I am worried about overflowing the tank. Where can I get the correct fitting so that my outflow drains properly.


New Member
Ok after some quick research, looks like I need a bulkhead that fits my tubing which is 1" i believe. Where is the best place to buy one? Ive checked the hardware stores and cant seem to find one.


Are the holes the same size, or is one larger, like 1" and 3/4"? If that's the case the larger one would be used as the drain. I believe a 1" hole will drain 600 gph and you can easily pump that back in through the 3/4. Yea you will need bulkheads, you can find them online for sure.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wheats09
I am worried about overflowing the tank. Where can I get the correct fitting so that my outflow drains properly.
1. The volume of your return pump will dictate whether you will overflow the tank or not. If you pump the water faster than your overflows can handle it, then you can overflow the tank.
2. You can find bulkheads online and locally. Some LFS sell them as well.


New Member
the drilled holes are the same. I got the tank from a friend and the fitting to the sump was missing. The one i replaced it with was a reducing fitting. I'll look for a bulkhead.


try the large site where you place bids. They are there, various types and styles. keyword (Bulkhead). Also, as stated before your LFS should have them. If need I can provide you with a phone number for a great store in California that has them. Let me know, if you need further assistance.