overflow gurgling


I know lots of threads have been done on this but I can't get any applications to work
25 gallon main tank, 1 inch hole in top right hand corner of main tank, 5 gallon sump. Rio return pump.
I have a ball valve and I have tried to turn it down but I still get gurgling, I have tried an airtube down the overflow but the tank overflowed.
Should I just run a really small return pump? smaller than my rio. I have a maxi 600 I could use. Gurgling and suck and whistling.


Well, my hole is at the top of the tank but I think I'll try putting a hole in the top of my elbow outside the tank and see what happens.


jedi, i had the exact same problem on my 20 gal. so here's a description of the pic. i took a drill bit just a little larger than a straw and slowly drilled into the top of my elbow, i repeatedly checked how deep it was. i drilled about half way thru the elbow with the larger bit, then went to a smaller bit to finish out the hole. once that's done you can silicone the outside of the straw to the elbow with out having the silicone contact the water. HTH


Active Member
you can adjust the line, try to take sharp curves out and have a straight shot to the sump/filter. also stick a piece of tube in. just not as far as you have it in. instead of having it all the way in, drill a hole in a rubber ball or a bioball or something and run the tube in that and glue it in place. then put the ball on top of the overflow. just put the tube in enough so that the gurgling stops. if you put it in too far your water will rise.


New Member
Dont need to do all this work I have a 250g saltwater tank pumping 1500gph silent as a mouse, just place sponge in the pipe and this will kill sound, you will need to slow your pump a little to make up for the water coming out the overflow slower but trust me it will more than kill sound.


I've got an overflow and I use a sponge, not the same setup as yours, but the same sound for sure, a sponge killed teh sound and works great.