overflow question ( U tube )


A bit of a followup... well I made a durso stand pipe.... my tank is small (30g) so my second overflow box does not become too high with water... therfore i cut out the whole middle part of pvc pipe and i just have the T connected to a small piece of pvc that is on the bulkhead ... i'm still hearing noises tho... should I try and drill a bigger hole?
In addition... I am worried that once I get my clean up crew I will one day come home to find a room full of water because say a snaile got snuck in the overflow and the pump kept pumping... is there a way to prevent this??
I guess I could just make sure I get small ones... :notsure:


Active Member
Hey SHiby
Can you post a pic of your modification?
There are several things to keep the snail scenario from happening.
1-put a sponge/screen on the inner overflow box to physically stop critters from entering.
2-float switch (like a basement type sump pump-these can be found at local hardware <$20.00) to stop the pump when the sump level gets too low.
3-the actual return part of my sump only holds around 5 gallons(75 g display). If you are real worried about it, then lower your level inside the main until all the return chamber water will fit in it. Test by starting everything like normal then pull the siphon off the overflow. WHen you get it right, the pump will run dry (bad) but the water level in the main will raise but not overflow the sides.
I think most folks use a combination of these. #2 seems the most reliable but takes up room in the sump that is probably crowded already.


Well I don't think #3 will be quite possible because I have my sump with the return in the middle and then separated with a baffle for the fuge... and if I lower the level in the middle the fuge would get no flow.. correct?


Active Member
"" lower your level inside the MAIN until all the return chamber water will fit in it. ""
Not the sump level-lower the display level a little more. If you can get the dimensions of your sump we can calculate the volume of water it holds(return part). Then we can figure from your diplay dimensions how much you could lower it to accomidate the volume of the return section of the sump. :yes: THis shouldn't be a whole lot of change.
Note: THis is worst case scenerio. Most folks don't worry about their siphon tubes getting plugged (but you and I have
Volume in cubic inches divided by 231 = gallons


Ok thanks Farmboy

I was actually searching throughout the house and I found something great that you may even want to use!!
Its fiberglass mesh netting.... and it says right on there will not erode from salt
I am just gonna put this over my U tubes and I think I'll be good to go!


Active Member
Originally Posted by shiby1510
A bit of a followup... well I made a durso stand pipe.... my tank is small (30g) so my second overflow box does not become too high with water... therfore i cut out the whole middle part of pvc pipe and i just have the T connected to a small piece of pvc that is on the bulkhead ... i'm still hearing noises tho... should I try and drill a bigger hole?
In addition... I am worried that once I get my clean up crew I will one day come home to find a room full of water because say a snaile got snuck in the overflow and the pump kept pumping... is there a way to prevent this??
I guess I could just make sure I get small ones... :notsure:

Hmm I guess I should of said more on how I made my durso. Instead of the design on the page linked to mine is a larger pipe over a smaller one. To explain, the drain is 1 inch which is fitted w/a 1-1.5 adapter and a run of pipe up with a cap on the end. I purchased a sleeve that converts the 1.5-2 inches and then fitted a 2 inch elbow on the outside . So it looks like this: the perk is it cannot be plugged by an animal since they cant get in there.


Thanks for the info msd2...
Originally Posted by funkyman
Where would you get fiberglass mesh netting??

I found it in my g-ma's garage... hahah
I have no idea how old it is but for some details.. the sticker is still on there she must've got it at kmart for $3.47 .. and it is called frost king fiberglass screening and right on the packaging it says that it will not erode from salt... it is just in a roll and it looks like regular screening only softer... hope this helps :idelcare:
As for putting the fiberglass screening on the u tube and durso would it be okay just to attach it with a rubberband? or any other suggestions??


I dont think rubber would hold up very well under saltwater, maybe use a few zipties?


thanks for the advice

although... isn't that rubber btwn the bulkheads to stop leakage?? jw.. although I will go with the zipties