One thing was the
kept clogging up so it would lose the siphon. The really strange thing was on both of the ones I had over time I just couldn't keep the air out of the siphon chamber. I had maxi power heads(the big one, I can't remember the model) on them. I guess the main issue is I always had to mess with them which made the a reliability issue to me. The lifereefs have never in over two years lost a syphon on me. The maintenance on them is cleaning the U tube every month or so. Tony, you know how it is. Everyone has good and bad experiences which form their opinions on equipment. I'm sure the cpr's are fine, I just had bad experiences with them. And again I think I have a couple laying around if anyone wants them. By the way have I been reading you have some new critters, you know the rules Picture, pictures pictures.:happy: