Overflow rating question


Anybody know what the gph overflow for an all glass 90 gallon with a built in overflow is?? I checked out the All Glass web page and I didn't find any info there.
I need to upgrade my pump in my sump, and was wondering if I should go with a mag 9.5 or mag 7. I appreciate the advice.

nm reef

Active Member
I'm not real sure what the GPH rating is...but there was a post several months ago about how to figure the GPH flow rate. Maybe the member with that bit of info will see this post and offer some help. I would think it could handle 700-900 GPH but thats just a guess on my part. You could go with the larger of the MagDrives and use a ball valve to reduce flow. That way you could restrict the return if needed. I run a Magdrive 12 on my system with a pair of 700 GPH overflows. Mine is wide open but there are valves to adjust flow rate.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help.



I didn't think that those pumps worked well when there was back pressure on them. I have read this from many different places. Maybe someone with some more info could chime in.

nm reef

Active Member
It is my understanding that the MagDrive line of pumps are pressure rated which means they can function with restriction to the max flow rate. If I remember correctly thats the same info I found when I was considering my return pump. I do know mine is restricted from time to time depending on what I'm doing as far as my return pattern. Sometimes I'll restrict the flow...for instance when performing a water change I'll reduce flow rate temporarily until the water change is complete. Or if I'm working on my refugium I'll cut back flow rate a bit until I'm done. I do know mine runs full throttle most of the time but it has been reduced with no problems.Also it seems I saw information from the manufacture that indicated they are pressure rated.
Maybe somebody can provide additional info.


Thanks for that info, I've tried to keep my mag5 running full throttle all the time. I've had for 1 1/2 years and I've replaced the impellar twice so I had real concerns about what would happen if I backed this off a bit with a ball valve.
From other info I've read about the mag 7's I'm leaning towards a mag 9.5, but I'm going to have trouble running this submersed(sp). I might have to plumb this differently. I'm still interested if anyone has info on the rate of the overflow on the All Glass 90 built in.


I would suggest going with as large a pump as you can. You can place a T in line with a valve back to the sump and sidestream the extra back. This will give you max output and keep the sump moving. Also you will have a larger pump if you ever upgrade. I do this on all my equiptment...skimmmer , ect...I use these sidestreams for my reactor ect as well . In other words If you think you need a mag 9 get a mag 12 and return some of the water to the sump .

nm reef

Active Member
Just checking back on this thread to see if any info on figuring rating of the overflow was found...I still can't help with that but this will kick your thread back up. Maybe somebody with knowledge on how to figure that out will reply.:cool:


tanks that are drilled are rated @600 gph and use pumps rated @2400gph with 5ft head pressure this will work fine AKA CAROLINA CUSTOM AQUARIUMS


I contacted AGA about this.. They said that it is made to handle 500gph.
I have a 9.5 on mine with no problem. It seems like it could prob. handle a little more too.


Thanks guys, I figured that the 9.5 is the route I will go. This is definatly some valuable info.