Overflow & return pump for 75?


I a going to set up a 75 gal. with a 35 gal sump. Its going to be fish only with LR, LS, and a clean up crew. Can anyone recommend a good overflow and return pump? Also is it better to have the sump and the refugium in the same tank or would it be better if they were in seperate tanks?


Active Member
having them seperate, is up ot the individual needs, if you have room and the resources, seperate is good, because the most effective refugium should be higher than your tank, so you can gravity feed the return, instead of pumping it back in, better for your pods(no pump thrashing them)
but if you don't have the space or finances, using the same tank, and locating it under your tank is also good, jsut get a large enough tank for them
and i like iwaki and eheim pumps(a bit expensive, but..........
personally, i refuse to buy rio
but there are other good ones out ther