Overflow size


I am going to purchase my lifereef overflow and wanted to know if I should get the single 700gph box or get the double which is rated at 1400gph. My tank is a 72 gallon bow front, obviously not RR. I believe that the turn over rate should be atleast 10X the size of the tank and the single overflow box would just about do it. I want to put a 20 gallon sump and trying to figure out how to do a refuge.. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.:cool:


Active Member
I think the single would be plenty. Trying to turn over your sump volume 70 times per hour would be a serious flow. Plus you'd need a big pump to keep that rate up. A smaller pump and you might have trouble keeping both overflows fully primed.
As for 10X water flow. A powerhead or two added to your single overflow will get you plenty of flow rate.
As for fuges, sumps. Do a search on the board and you'll find plenty of examples.
Good Luck!


Active Member
I agree with jumpfrog that the single 700 would work fine.
If you want to get rid of powerheads in the tank - you can go with the dual 1400.
I run a Lifereef dual on my 75 tank.
One Magdrive 9.5 on 24/7
One Magdrive 7 on a timer
No powerheads anymore for me, and if one return pump dies on me, I can keep running until I get a new pump.
Just an idea ;) for you to consider.
sorry to steal this post but i have the same question..i have a lifereef single for a 29 gal...and i want to put a sump in...is that to much? lol hopefully not...what size sump would be best and what kinda pump for the sump:)


Active Member
Lifereef single is rated at 700 gph max if memory serves. Depending on head height a mag 7 would work nicely. You could probably let it run wide open or throttle down just a hair.
I think a sump of more that 10 gallons would work. My experiments with a 10 gallon failed as I couldn't eliminate bubbles. Too much turbulence and too little space. I personally would go with a 20 gallon but that's JMO.
Other experts please jump in.


Active Member
I run two return pumps in my sump.
One is on all the time.
The other one comes on and off with a timer.
A very poor man's wavemaker, but it does provide for some changes in the tankwater circulation.
Here's a pic - originally I had the Mag 7 running all the time - but I've switched to having the Mag 9.5 run 24/7 now.
Can I throw an idea out there? I just recently bought an overflow rated at 700 gph. Wish I had bought the bigger one. As far as cost the bigger usually does not cost that much more compared to buying two 700's. Why don't you buy the one and cap off one of the outflows. You could even taper them down a quarter inch to say make it 1000gph instead of 1400. Then if you decide you want more you have the option with out having to spend a bigger chunk of money to buy another or the bigger one. I am no scientist or anything but in my mind this should work fine. Feel free to tell me how wrong I am.