Overflow/wetdry question (scubadoo and jcrim)


Active Member
Well, Scubadoo, I get the wetdry tommorow and I'm excited, thankyou! Now on with my questions, when i setup the overflow how much water will be displaced out of my main tank? And how low will the water level drop? Will I need to add some extra water to my tank when after i hook up the wetdry? I can see those slots where the water flows into the overflow box, if i add extra water wont it just go into the slots and end up into the sump?
And thankyou very much Jcrim and scubadoo I appreciate it very much!


Cartman, does this mean you got the overflow and it shipped ok? First hook up all the equipment then fill the wet/dry until the water level is just under the bio balls. I wouldn't take water out of your display because you'll need to add some water anyway.
Personally I start the overflow and then plug in the return pump once the overflow has started. I don't know if this answered your question but it will probably make more sense when you get all the equipment set up.


Active Member
Well I'm going to take all the equipment to the fs tommorow and hope john(owner) can help me with it. Yeah, it shipped excellent! Ok so fill up the wetdry :thinking: Ok got it.
How many gallons is the wetdry?