

Since the Aqualifter pump is only 12 bucks, you can also run two of them at the same time. The odds of both of them failing at the same time are probably astronomical...


Active Member
You are correct the pump is used the most at the start of the siphon, the problem is that mine several times failed when it restarted. The little pumps do pull the air out of the tube but as with the U tube you dont need a mechanical pump at all. Its design is better in that it will clear those little bubbles that build up on its own much more effeciently. The other big perk is you dont need to hook up one or two pumps to make sure it doesnt fail, just a waste of electricity imho, and the model I had even with a pump attached it often failed to restart the siphon because the rear chamber was too small and couldnt pull enough water up to reactivate the siphon.
CPR's arent horrible but everyone I have known that has ran them any length of time has had them fail, the lifereefs, not a single person I personally know has had one fail. CPR weakest points are at the start of the siphon, so when the power goes out is when I always had trouble with it. You can also think of it this way, the CPR may be cheaper to buy up front but when u factor in the electricity it takes to run, and the replacement of the pump over a time spand it ends up costing more.


price as a factor. The actual reason I chose the CPR overflow was because I like the way it looks much better than the other type of overflows... LMAO
You are correct that tubes have a much easier time clearing bubbles. The reason again is because tubes are smaller than the large siphon area of the CPR. What I don't understand is why people seem to lose siphon when the power goes out. Mine does not lose siphon when the power goes out. The siphon area stays full of water just like tubes do in the other design. The Aqualifter only starts the siphon the first time, after that the siphon area stays full. The reason you need the pump to start the siphon the first time, is because the siphon area is so much larger than a tube. It is not possible to start the siphon any other way. You can't take it off, fill it with water like you can with tubes.
The bottom line is that it is really just a matter of preference. As far as you not knowing anyone that has ever lost siphon with a tube design, that really doesn't mean much. I have read here about many people who have. I think that the danger of an overflow exists no matter what type of box overflow you use. It is just the nature of the beast. My next tank will not be using this type of overflow, as I will be having it custom made and drilled with internal overflows. That is the only truly safe way to go..


Is the amiracle a good siphon overflow? I want the U tube but don't want to shoot the whole wad getting it.


Active Member

Originally posted by steveoutla
Is the amiracle a good siphon overflow? I want the U tube but don't want to shoot the whole wad getting it.

I have one amiracle in use now it has been a great overflow.


Active Member

Originally posted by steveoutla
what is the GPH on the single u tube overflow?

the amiracle I use gets around 500gph, single tube design


In would like to hear from anyone how the cpr's lose siphon? Besides the air bubbles from incorrect flow how do they lose the siphone. By the way the lift pump only takes 3 watts per hour to use with the filter.


can't help you, my CPR has never lost siphon...
but even if it does, I have a float switch that will shut down the pump before the tank overflows, so I am not worried anyway...


Active Member

Originally posted by scottyc
MSD2, or anone
i recently got an amiricle overflow box, is yours noisy? mine gurgles here and there.

overflows are prone to do this (all of them). do a search on duroso or a standpipe. Simple addition that makes overflows very quiet.


Active Member
Welcome, and probably one of the cheapest and worthwhile mods I have done. I used a slightly different variation instead of a side U like shape I made mine with larger pipes and sleeve. I had limited room and it works well. the amiracle uses a 1 outlet so I used an 1-1.5 adapter, 1.5 inch pipe, 1.5-2 adapter, 2 inch sleeve and done. works well and very very quiet same, holes on top etc.


Active Member
now you get to see my out of control coraline issue, the green and pink crap grow everywhere!