

New Member
I've seen some pictures on prefilter overflow to the sump witha a U tube connecting the inflow
to the outflow anddown to sump.
Can anyone tell me whether you need a pump to
draw the water down to the Biofilter Tower
in the sump?


To get the water flowing from the tank side to the prefilter side first add some tank water to the prefilter box, enough to cover the bottem of the u shaped tube when inserted. Insert a section of air tubing, the smaller flexable stuff, up the tail end of the u-tube to the start of the arch. Put the u-tube in place and suck the air pocket out of it, and remove the air tube. This will force the water from the tank up and over the u-tube. Once you get the water moving you can shake the u-tube around a little to get ride of any bubbles caught in it. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Experiments are fun jedchuah !
With overflows and water - just be ready with some dry towels if you're trying anything too new :p
The laws of physics, atmospheric pressure and the nature of water are very unforgiving.
Good luck - stay dry !


New Member
I have the same set-up that you guys are discussing. I have a pump and and Lifeguard filter system with mechanical and chemical filters attached. I also have the overflow and sump box. MY PROBLEM: My overflow will not stay overflowing. When I go through the process of getting it started, it keeps quitting. It ran perfect for about a month, and now everyday it is stopping on me three or four times a day. Also, my pump and filter has "spurts". One minute the water will barely be pumping and the next minute it is shooting out at a powerful pressure. Any help on these topics will be greatly appreciated!!!

david s

mine works good its a 1.5 inch u tube overflows work on siphon and water presure the water levl in outside box is a slight bit lower than the tank lvl so water seek a lvl and it pushes water into outside box main problem with loosin siphon is air bubles small ones will pass right thru but if u get a big one it could loose siphon i have seen setups were they connect the air tube from a powerhead to a hole in siphon tube to help against problems like this