

Do you really need the overflow boxes?? Can a tank run without them?? They cost so much more, Im looking into a 75g for fwlr and coral. What do you guys think???


Active Member
If your talking about the sumps the LFS wants to sell you with the chambers for the bio balls etc. Yes they are a rip off and of questionable effectiveness for reef tanks.
However you should be able to find a 600GPH overflow box for around 40 bucks, a 20 gallon tank for 30 and a return pump rated for 600gph for another 30 and hard plumb the return for about 5 bucks.
For my setup I place a piece of eggcrateing across the top of the sump. Put filter media on top of it and direct the water coming from the overflow so that it runs through this media before entering the sump. Easily changed filter media means the likely hood of doing just that goes way up. From the pic it looks like its time for me to do just that.
Sumps have a lot of benefits. Expanded water volume a place for your skimmer, heater etc. The list goes on


New Member
What pump are you mentioning that will flow 600gph for $30?? I *really* want to build a sump now that I have a new house, with a basement workroom right under the tank. I'd need a pump that will flow with ~8-10' of head, my tank is a 55...
Any suggestions WELCOME...

my way

Active Member
The main reason for using an overflow is draw off the top layer of water where your DOC builds up. This allows for good oxygen exchange and the protien skimmer will in theory be able to take them out of the tank easier.


I do recommend over flow boxes the sump you can do as mentioned that would be fine I will say get a strong pump if you have to run 10 feet to teh tank I would do 1200 gph in that case for your going to loose alot going that distance most pumps have chart telling you how reduced it will be with different lengths