Overflow ?


Active Member
When I set up the overflow and let it run will it sink the main tanks water level a couple of inches? If so i'm screwed cause I just drilled the hole in the pvc when the overflow wasn't in the tank and working. Little nervous here.

my way

Active Member
Raise the box. Some are adjustable, if not put some shims between the tank frame and the box. The anti-syphon hole does'nt have to be under the water line, but having it that way will reduce saltcreep from the splashing as it squirts out, it will also be quieter if it's under water.


Active Member
and if u get the slurping noise, just put one bioball where the tube starts inside of the back overflow box that leads down to the sump.. doesnt restrict waterflow and cuts the vortex or whirlpool effect that causes the slurping noise! my sump is quieter then a canister filter!


Active Member
Originally Posted by cain420
and if u get the slurping noise, just put one bioball where the tube starts inside of the back overflow box that leads down to the sump.. doesnt restrict waterflow and cuts the vortex or whirlpool effect that causes the slurping noise! my sump is quieter then a canister filter!
HELP!!! Overflow EXTREMELY noisy! I tried your method put it doesn't help a bit. So freakin frustrated with this whole sump thing!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sump works awesome, overflow is pissing me off
Please help me. I got 2 drains at the back box which is connected to 2 hoses which lead down to the sump.


Active Member
Please anyone? I want this thing set up today. The lfs said the raise one drain so that it would be a back up and then add a ball valve at the end of the main hose thats working.