

ok well i can get my overflow to work but the problem is i can only get to work slowly so my question is how do i get it to work fast?


Active Member
The only thing that slows an overflow down is air in the tube. Otherwise an overflow is removing as much water as your return pump is giving it. An overflow moving slowly with air in the tube would eventually cause a flood.


o ok so wen i suck all the air out it would i should take the tube out and wenever i turn the pump up it just sucks out all the water out of the sump


Can you move your overlow box in the tank lower so more waterflows into it?
You have to have enough water in the sump to pump up to the tank to raise the tank water above the overflow box before water can start to be returned. Lowering the box will make this easier for the return.


Active Member
Lowering the box will have the same effect as adding more water, except it would just hold less total gallons in the system.