Overloaded = stuff for sale


New Member
I recently bought another well established tank and combined the contents to my running tanks. The problem is that I have too much stuff. Here's what I want to sell or trade:
1 extra large green anemone (about 14" fully expanded)
1 large (about 10" across) long tentacle anemone purpleish
1 pair of Tomato Clowns 1 is 4.5" or so other is about 3"
1 green open brain coral
1 red open brain coral
Interested in Xenia or other cool soft corals in trade. Not too excited about shippping them but may do it under right circumstances. Email at NW99@monroe.net


Hi, Where are you located? I ahve the cabbage coral. a sfot coral, a nice pretty pinkish orange color that looks great in a reef tank. Am looking to add some other corals or things to my tank without spending lots of money :) May be interested in some of your corals or clowns, or even the anenomes. I don't have much in my tank now - looking for color and visitbility to spice it up!


New Member
*****The live rock has been sold *****
I live in Seattle. Yep, I got about an extra 70# of live rock. About half is Fiji and I dont know what the rest is, its kinda blobbish looking, doesnt look great but would be good for base rock to set the nice stuff on. Would ship the live rock not no problem as I dont have to worry about it dying in transit.


New Member
I will sell the whole lot of live rock for $110 + actual cost of shipping. For pick up I will sell it all for $90 since I dont have to box it or anything. Now for a little about the rock, it was in a well established tank for 3+ years. Most has very good coralline growth and there are many feather dusters, sponges, and snails hiding throughout. I am willing to set up an auction ---- ( I Littlewurm as my ID on ---- as well) for buyers that would like the rock shipped. Please email me for further questions to get a quicker response as I dont check this site often.
-Nick Walker


New Member
how much for these?
1 extra large green anemone (about 14" fully expanded)
1 large (about 10" across) long tentacle anemone purpleish
1 pair of Tomato Clowns 1 is 4.5" or so other is about 3"


New Member
I am getting a lot of questions on the live stock so am putting some pics up. For size reference, the clown fish in the first picture is a little bigger than 2.5" and in the second picture the big clown is about 4.5" and other is almost 3". I would prefer to trade these for soft corals but will sell them. Unfortunately I have no clue how much to sell them for so any advice would be appreciated. Pick up is by far the prefered method as I have little expertise in shipping live animals, but would do it if you can provide some coaching.


Active Member
I have about 10 indivisual mushrooms that have moved off a few crowded rocks and a flame angel ( blind in one eye, but in perfect health for the last year) that I could trade for some stuff

ken k

New Member
I am interested in all this:
1 extra large green anemone (about 14" fully expanded)
1 large (about 10" across) long tentacle anemone purpleish
1 pair of Tomato Clowns 1 is 4.5" or so other is about 3"
1 green open brain coral
1 red open brain coral
IF YOU WILL SHIP. can you email any more pics of the BRAINS or ANEMONES?