Overstocked 75 gal-?



Hello. I just wanted to know if my tank is overstocked,thank you.
1. Purple Tang- 3 in
2. Yellow Tang -2 in
3. Blue Hippo- 2 in
4. Blonde Naso 2 in
5. Percula Clown - Large
6. Flame Angel- 3 in
7. Juv Emperator Angel- 4 in
8 and 9 Two small blennys.
10. Clown Trigger- 1 in
And maybe in a month or so a small puffer-?
Filteration- Wet/dry, skimmer,U/V, Fluidized Bed Filter.
Thanx !


Active Member
I would say very much so.. I hope you are upgrading or selling those fish because that is way to small for those fish. IMO


Active Member
This is an EXTREMELY overstocked 75 gallon tank.
1. Purple Tang- 3 in
2. Yellow Tang -2 in
3. Blue Hippo- 2 in
4. Blonde Naso 2 in
5. Percula Clown - Large
6. Flame Angel- 3 in
7. Juv Emperator Angel- 4 in
8 and 9 Two small blennys.
10. Clown Trigger- 1 in
And maybe in a month or so a small puffer-?
The only things that are actually okay for the tank are the blennies, clowns, and flame angel (and maybe one tang, either the yellow or purple).
For a fish load like this, you would need a tank in the 200-300 range.


Ok, thank you. I will get rid of some right away. So is it a danger for my tank right now-? Or in a long term status-?


Active Member
In the short term its likely some sort of aggression will break out but this tank is so overstocked that it may not be a problem. Crowding fish like this is how the LFS is able to keep species that would normally fight on display for sale for a short period of time. A good example of this is cichlids that are often housed so packed in that there normal aggressive tendencies are negated.
In the not so short term your probably looking at water quality problems. If it is one particular LFS that sold you all these fish knowing your tank size and basically lied to you about keeping this many fish in it I would raise a bit of a fuss and demand that he take some of the fish back at full store credit.
Good job on doing your own research and being willing to rectify the situation. My hunch is that there is an LFS salesmen that's to blame for this situation. That old used car salesmen joke pretty much applies to this hobby also.
How do you know when an LFS salesmen is lying?
His lips move.