I have a 135 with a Pork Puffer, Niger Trigger, Sailfin Tang, and Koran Angel. 110lbs LR. Do you all think this tank is overstocked and if so at what point whould I look into upgrading?
No there are not, why do you ask? I have an oversized wet/dry on the tank so filtration should be OK. Once these guys hit full size in a few years do you think they will be cramed?
If you ask me, yes. However, someone will probably disagree and advise you get rid of one. Keep an eye one the parameters as they grow, do more frequent water changes and upgrade your equipment with time to something more efficient. Youll be OK.
Cartman101, shutup, he would be asking y there are spots on his tang, and the tang would be bothering the OTHER fish. His tank is fine for now. Very fine actually, all sounds nice.