

Just wanted to get an opinion on my current tank situation...
I've got a 55 gal with a 12 gal refuge & a 12 gal sump (stated actual amounts of water that fuge and sump currently hold)
Euroreef skimmer - CS6-1
Hot magnum filter running carbon and poly-filter pads
60 pnds of live rock
3.5-4 inch live sand bed
2 power heads for circulation (1200-?-can't remember exact rate at the moment)
RO/DI water
The tank has been running for 1.5 years.
I currently have...
2 small Perc. clowns
1 Flame Angel
1 Royal Gramma
1 Red Tail Wrasse (Female phase)
Astrea Snails (5)
Hermits (5)
Nass. Snails (6)
Turbo (1)
Fighting Counch (1) - 1 inch
Fire Shrimp (1)
Is this too much for my 55 gal? I won't be adding any more fish to this tank, but I would like to get some more "beginner" corals... Yellow Polyps, button polyps, and star Polyps to be more specific.
Let me know what you think. Thanks for the help.


Like you said,no more fish(you are at what I would consider the upper limit IME). You could still add lots of coral if you like and inverts possibly(clean up). I started out with corals that dont require feeding(as to not add more waste to the tank)


Active Member
You are not overstocked (great job) IMO if you wanted to add a small fish or 2 your bio-load could handle it. Regarding the corals, what kind and how many watts of lighting do you have?


Active Member
You are deserve a good pat on the back for your patience and restraint. The stocking level and set up sounds great! :cheer:


New Member
omg, I didn't think you should have had anything to worry about, but after reading the reply's. What does everyone think about mine? Please let me know!!
I have a 44gal Pentagon w/ a whisper40 and a penguin170, about 60-65lbs of live rock, 1" of sand bedding, a seaclone100, and a power compac lightdurning the day and at night a single tube atinc light.
1 Bluefin pygmy (about 2")
2 Percula Clown (2")
1 Royal Gramma (2 1/2")
1 Blue Hippo (1 1/2")
1 Purple firefish (3")
1 Green Mandarin Dragnet (2")
16 Blue legged hermits
3 scarlets
12 zebra hermits
6 some other hermits
4 snails
1 Serpant Star
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
7 peppermint shrimp
2 Camelback shrimp
3 cleaner shrimp
1 purple lobster
and I think that is it. I do a 20% waterchange every two weeks, and check my water every week (tests good). I was wanting to add a snowflake eel, a powerhead for some corals and sponges.


Thanks for the comments everyone.
I realized that I forget to mention two other residents... a medium sized brittle star and some type of a black limpet (love this guy-had him for about 8 months now).
GreatfullReefer, I have a 260 watt PC fixture (coralife). Changed the bulbs about 2 months ago. Xenia seems to do fine under the lighting. It's spreading, but slowly. The mushrooms are also doing well, but I'm not sure the lighting matters as much for them.
Is this lighting good enough for button polyps and star polyps?
I like Legion's advice: stay away from the "need to be fed" corals. I guess that means I'll hold off on the yellow polyps. The fish already need quite a bit of food (especially the wrasse). I'd rather not risk overfeeding the tank.


jac913, I'm no expert, but I'd have to say your tank is probably overstocked. How long have you had all this in your tank?
For starters, I'd junk the seaclone100 and get a better skimmer. I had one of those when I first entered the hobby several years ago and it was nothing but a disappointment for me. It hardly collected a thing. Go with a high end skimmer if you can afford it. You won't regret it. The old saying "you get what you pay for" seems to apply very well to skimmer purchases.
Second, research, research, research. Get as many opinions and read as much as you can on stocking levels and tank set up. This has been absoultely critical for me. If you put enough effort into it you'll quickly find out what your doing right or wrong.
Hope this helps.


Active Member

Originally posted by sleeri
Is this lighting good enough for button polyps and star polyps?

Originally posted by sleeri

I guess that means I'll hold off on the yellow polyps.

IMO They will be fine.
Also i believe a variety of leathers and other softies will be a good addition


Wow im way overstocked!
I have the following in a 10g
true percula
ocellaris clown
red sea star
emerald crab
couple hermits and snails
torch coral
What I don't understand is that everything is fine.
I have testes the water a couple times and ammonia,nitrite,and nitrate are all 0.
I have 17lbs of live rock(and im still adding more!) and no skimmer.Also some chaeto(I heard it helps alot)
Oh and you're welcome to say whatever you want.:D(which im pretty sure it will be bad comments):happyfish
The tank has been running for like 6 months.
But im upgrading finally!:happy:


Dang if you're overstocked then I've got a sardine can. I have nearly the same system except my tank is 60 gallons.
2 Oscellaris Clowns
2 Firefish
1 Kole Tang
1 Black Sailfin Blenny
1 Sixline Wrasse
and a Flame Angel in QT.
Still, I have very little aggression (mostly just from the sixline) and 0 phosphates and nitrates.


Active Member
Obarrera, how do your two clownfish get along? I've heard two different types of clowns in one tank is not a good idea, let alone in a 10gallon? Just curious


Active Member

Originally posted by sleeri
GreatfullReefer, what other "starter" corals that you would recommend for my setup?

Some of the easier species could include Colts, Kenya trees (or other varieties of trees) Toadstools, frogspawns, torches, hammers would fair well. Maybe a brain (if you have a sand bed). Zooanthids, ricordia (or other varieties of shrooms) Bubbles and the list goes on. Just do a search on medium light corals (but remember to always research the individual corals needs before any purchase as some do enjoy the occasional spot feeding with meaty foods)



Originally posted by Darknes
Obarrera, how do your two clownfish get along? I've heard two different types of clowns in one tank is not a good idea, let alone in a 10gallon? Just curious

I have no problems at all with my fish.
The only fish that used to bother a neon goby(that im not sure if he's still alive)is the sixline wrasse but im selling him today and getting a royal gramma.