

I have a biocube 29 and 20 pounds of live rock. I have 2 ocellaris clownfish, 1 firefish, 1 midas blenny, and 1 manderin dragonet. I also have a fromia starfish, a torch coral, and open brain, a baby zonathids, and a hamer coral aling with a peppermint and cleaner shrimp so my question is, is my tank over stocked? I asked this before when I had the flameangel and everybody told to take it out and so i did. I was wondering if maybe I could add a cherub angelfish? and I know that manderins need copepods and I have them. Also what corals do you think I should add that would be really vibrant and pretty. thanks!


Well i think that fish would be ok. As far as over stocked you might be pushing it for that tank.
I have the same tank and only plan on going with 4 fish and corals. Im sure you could do it
but your going to have to watch the tank more closely.


I think most folks figured the question has been answered, or that you're going to keep asking the question until somebody sez "SURE, GO FOR IT!".
IMHO, your tank is full, and it's always "that last fish" that can send a regulated tank into a tailspin.


Originally Posted by saxman http:///t/390836/overstocked#post_3463955
I think most folks figured the question has been answered, or that you're going to keep asking the question until somebody sez "SURE, GO FOR IT!".
IMHO, your tank is full, and it's always "that last fish" that can send a regulated tank into a tailspin.
Yep, I agree, tank is full. Small tanks are tricky to keep stable. You should consider upgrading to a larger tank if possible. Check Craigslist.
Agree tank is full. Time for an upgrade. I just did an upgrade from a 45gal hex to a 90 gal bowfront and have a lot more room to open up to new fish.