

New Member
I am in the process of buying a 55 gallon tank from a friend. The tank is already set with live rock, sand and fish, along with all the pumps ect. I am overwhlemed with all the new information yet am very excited to get this tank. Can anyone give me some specifics on water to salt ratios on water changes and how often. I am also asking for any info on good cleaning crews. Any extra information and feedback would be greatly appreciated. I cant' wait to get started on my new adventure. I have been getting alot of info from my friend who is selling me this tank, but would like some outside feedback. Thanks again


Active Member
I would recommend a 10 per cent water change once a week. A good clean up crew can be found here on the site, they have some specifically for 55G tanks.


Active Member
Are you getting it already set up, or are they upgrading and takeing what is curently in it? Cause if you get what they had then you could ask them their specifics, and see what worked for them!!!


Since I can't say it any better I'll quote NMReef:
Originally Posted by NM reef
Lots of info would be required to properly answer your questions....I'd urge you to look for a few hobby related books:
"Natural Reef Aquariums" by John H. Tullock
"The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Robert M. Fenner
...both ae great resources for anybody wanting to establish a marine system. You could also try google searchs for specific questions...for example "cycling a marine system" should provide plenty of sources of info. There is also a on-line article titled "Reefkeeping 101" that you may find useful.

Welcome to the board

Just curious but how did you find this site?


New Member
thanks. I heard about the site through my friend who is selling me the tank. I hope to learn more and more as I go. Chachi


New Member
I am geting the tank with everything in it. I will continue to get more info from them before my purchase. tnaks.


Active Member
This site has alot of Knowledgable people and you just had one of them talk to you with Thomas712! He knows his stuff!!! I would reccomend just being a sponge, and soak it all up!!!!