sinner's girl
Okay, I can't find the thread about airstones...
This is a problem with my fw tank, but ya'll should be able to help.. How do I increase Oxgyen in the tank? Fw board told me to add airstones...I was thinking a ph or running another fliter would be better.
So airstone or ph?
And do plants take oxygen out of the water or add it? (So wishing I had paid attention in class)...
Thanks...(my 55gl had fw fish...we're having issues right now, and I'm trying to narrow them down and fix them.)
This is a problem with my fw tank, but ya'll should be able to help.. How do I increase Oxgyen in the tank? Fw board told me to add airstones...I was thinking a ph or running another fliter would be better.
So airstone or ph?
And do plants take oxygen out of the water or add it? (So wishing I had paid attention in class)...
Thanks...(my 55gl had fw fish...we're having issues right now, and I'm trying to narrow them down and fix them.)