Ozone Question for Tony or any other user


New Member
I know that most ozone is injected into the skimmer. Mine is a Remora and not that easy to do. Is there a reason that it cannot be injected into my Emperor 400?


I don't know about your skimmer but mine comes with an ozone resistant tubing made just for using ozone. Ozone tends to break down regular plastics. After ozone passes through the skimmer it is also wise to send the output through some carbon as well.
Ozone is highly interactive and as a result it needs to be used with special equipment. Any tubing that it passes through needs to be of silicon, which does not interact with ozone. If regular airline tubing is used, it will become hard and brittle quite quickly when exposed to ozone. Similarly, most plastics will become brittle and crack when exposed to ozone so be careful when choosing a vessel for introducing ozone. Ozone also breaks down quickly when exposed to high humidity so it is best to run the air going into the ozonizer through an air drier. This will dramatically increase the production of ozone.


Well its not designed for that, however if you say put an air stone or something on the end of your tube and submerged that into one side of your emperor I suppose it would do something. I fear that it might be at a significantly reduced rate.


New Member
I am not trying to be obnoxious here, just trying to find a better solution so bear with me. Most ozone generators are not designed with an aquarium in mind. They are designed to produce ozone and what the buyer does with it is up to them. The ozone that a lot of people seem to be using is one that is designed for a spa. The one that I have ordered is sold as an air purifier and is about 1/4 the cost of one branded from Red Sea.I had it in my mind that as long as it is introduced it would do the job. Just a hunch on my part but I am wondering if the idea of injecting it into a skimmer was started to keep the small bubbles out of the tank. As you had said above if it was injected with a stone into the emperor it should serve the same purpose. The wheels are off of mine anyway and it is only used as a sump and a mechanical filter or if I want to run carbon etc. If the ozone bubbles are injected into the skimmer, they treat the water and it is dumped out of the return. If it is injected into the Emperor it would treat the water and dump into the tank. I could also install the basket with carbon to run it through as a lot of people have suggested. I am not a chemist but I can't see any reason why it wouldn't work. I am just looking for somebody that might know more than I and tell me why it wouldn't work.

my way

Active Member
I would think it would work, just not as efficiently as through the skimmer. Remember too much ozone is bad for your fish.


New Member
I had intended on using a controller. Far as the efficiency goes the ozone oxidizes the contaminants so it should do that anywhere. If it gets them in the Emperor the filter may catch them before they go back into the tank. If it happens in the tank, the filter or skimmer one should catch them.


THe main concern is that the Emperor 400 filter is not ozone resistant. Meaning the ozone will eventally break down the plastic that it is made from and it will get very brittle and crack ruining the filter and dumping any water in it on your floor.. Basicly saying the ozone will do the same thing to the filter as it will do to regular airline tubing. What ever your injecting the ozone into HAS to be ozone resistant or over time it will get brittle and crack. Same goes for skimmers they have to be ozone safe or ozone equpiped to use it with them. The reason Ozne should be injected into the skimmer is so that the excess ozone will be "blown off" to keep it out of the water You also need to run the water treated with ozone over carbon to absorb any remain ozone as this is very bad for any livestock in your tank. If you use it correctly and safely it is great for your tank. Hope this info helps


New Member
Is it a known fact that the Emperor is not ozone resistant? I think that given enough time ozone will deteriorate a lot of things. If it will do it, but it may take 2 or 3 years that doesn't really concern me. On the other hand if it will be brittle and rotten in thirty days I may want to rethink this. I had to replace the ozone line on my hot tub. The only hose that I had access to was the clear plastic line sold at the hardware store. The manufacturer told me I need to special order some of their hose. That was back in 1998 and the hardware store hose is still going strong.
As far as running the water over carbon, I can add a basket of carbon to the Emperor. Another thought on that is about 1.5 yrs ago my brother started using ozone through an air powered skimmer. At the time neither of us had heard of using carbon. When he did run across that info he decided his tank had went this long he may as well not worry with the carbon. His livestock is doing great. Sometimes I wonder how much of the rules that are passed down are fact and how many were started by someone trying to overthink things. Kind of like the e-mail about waking up in a tub of ice water with your kidney missing.


You have good points, as far as the time it would take to ruin the filter I would not know it depends on the amount of ozone. Same goes for your brother the carbon is only there to absorbe any exxcess ozone from escaping back into the tank, if he was not dosing to much then yes it would do nothing it's just a safty measure.