Pacific Coast CHiller


Does anyone know anything about a Pacific Coast CL650 chiller? It is 1/4hp. I have a 225g and am 95% sure I am going to need a chiller come summer...Someone has this unit for sale used for $400...Is that good? Or can anyone recommend a chiller for me? That will work with a 225g


Active Member
IMO that chiller is going to be a bit small on a 225g. I'd use a 1/3 as a bare minimum, 1/2 preferable.
$400 for a 1/4hp is a decent deal, but not a great one. You can get them new for about $550. I guess it depends on how old the unit it, how well it was taken care of, etc. Of course all this is moot if it's too small.


1/2 hp are pretty expensive..huh? Got any suggestions on a brand or somewhere to get one that only sells a tiny one.


Active Member
Not much about a 225g tank is cheap.
The pacific coast is a pretty nice unit. I don't own one myself, but I'd buy one. Decent prices.
I'm a big fan of the JBJ Artica chillers, the Aqua Logic, and the Trade Wind chillers. All are good. The last two are companies that have been making chillers a lot longer than we've been putting them on aquariums... they know their stuff. That said, I have to stand the JBJ I have.