Pacific Mimic Tang.........


Active Member
Has anyone ever heard of one of these fellas? I have had one in the QT for close to two weeks now and he will be introduced to the tank tonight as the centerpiece fish. He is beautiful.
I will post some photos later tonight once he is in the display. He looks somewhat like a standard Mimic tang and a Lemon Tang mixed. His eyes are outlined in blue as well as some of his fins and a nice blue stripe down the side of his face.......hard to mentioned, pics later.


Active Member
Gorgeous Rye. Nice Shot. Looks like an angel and a yellow tang had a night out and got carried away:rolleyes:


Active Member
I think he was like 36.00 or something close. Mine is looking a lot like the one in the picture. Morphing hopefully is still awhile away. He is with a fox face so maybe the two yellows will help.


Active Member
Thanks everyone-
His coloration is different than anything that I have seen. He is a rare fish in my opinion and I hope to keep him for a long while.
Here is the other side of him.......a little different coloration but, still a striking fish in my opinion.



Originally posted by RyeBread
Thanks........I think he is one of the most beautiful lsih that I have ever seen. :p

ha ha :rolleyes:


very nice..Its interesting how fish adapt to suit their enviroment. In this case it is copying a lemon peel anglefish....It would be funny if u had a lemon peel so that it could see its mimicer !!!