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Something isn't right... if your house is 70-72 degrees and you are not running your lights, then something else is heating that water... a lot. What kind of pumps are you using, and are you using anything else.. UV, etc that may be introducing heat? Do you have heaters hooked up? Are you certain they are working properly? Try unplugging them for a few days.
Also, is your tank pretty well sealed up? Encourage some evaporation by leaving glass tops, etc off and letting the tank "breathe."
Don't get me wrong, I advocate a chiller for ANY reef environment, but that seems like an awful lot of rise for an unlit tank.
Lastly, I encourage anyone looking at chillers to get a quality unit and get the absolute biggest chiller you can afford, even it means foregoing a desired fish, etc for a bit. Reason? Once you get that reef fully stocked, you'll start dreaming of a bigger tank... and the less often you have to invest in a chiller, the better. Getting a big one now is a lot cheaper than having to buy an all new one in a couple years.
My tank is a stock 24 gal AquaPod Nano, no extra anything on it. I have a MaxiJet 1200 sitting next to it, but I dont think thats causing any problems, its not plugged in.
I dont know what is going on, unless my AC unit isnt reading the right temps, thats the only thing I can think of. I am not home from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, so I have no idea how hot it gets in there midday (my room is just a studio behind the main house.) I put extra shades on the windows on the west side of my room (there's two) thinking maybe some heat or too much sunlight was getting in through my bamboo blinds. Maybe that will help also. And as soon as I get around to it, I'm going to put another small fan on the tank. I cannot leave the top open as I have kitties and the hair would get all inside the tank. I have only had this tank 3 weeks (tomorrow), and the temps have been on the high side all but 1 day, when they didnt go above 79 (with the lights on!) That was a miracle day, I dont know the reason behind it, but it hasnt happened since. I'm going to go to Home Depot this weekend and see what a new ac unit would cost. Thanks for the info though!