Paging Clam experts.


I updated my last post. I fudged up the #'s a little:) here they are correct.
CA 200
9.6 KH
3.426 Alk
Ph is 7.7
Salinity .020


Active Member

Originally posted by golfish
The worms are probably small bristle worms, they shouldn't hurt the clam..

maybe theyre waiting for the clam to die to eat it:thinking:


Active Member
a 1.020 SG is kind of low, that would effect the clam more then the low Ca.......I don't know if it will kill it tho..


Active Member
Sounds like a combo of things, also it looks like the clam is on the bottom of the tank, he might be slowly starving and along with the other parameters that are off it could be leading to his demise. Check around on the net, there are forums dedicated just to clams, if u cant find it pm me for the site.


Active Member
My crocea did the same thing the other month. Its dead....get a plastic bag put the bag over hte clam and close the bag to take it out. It is really messy.


It isn't dead. It's very alive at the moment. He still twitches when I cover the light and cast a shadow over him. So far today we added a little salt to the water to bring up the salinity a little. At the moment it hasn't even registered on my refracter.
He is on the bottom of the tank. He is very big 7 - 8 in. Their is a 250 watt Mh giving it light right above it.
All went bad in the last 2 days (counting today).


Active Member

Originally posted by Ryan Miller
guess we will see tomorrow morning.

did u find the clam forum? trust me they are a wealth of knowledge.


Active Member

Originally posted by Ryan Miller
I am on -- if that is what you mean...

no, its a different place. if u got aim im michaeld619 or yahoo is michaeld619(at)sbcglobal(dot) net


Active Member
That clam might not be dead now, but it will be within a matter of days if not hours.


so you guys are saying. Even if we bring up the salinity slowly, dose Calcium, and use some PH buffer we still have no chance. He is to far gone......


Active Member

Originally posted by Ryan Miller
so you guys are saying. Even if we bring up the salinity slowly, dose Calcium, and use some PH buffer we still have no chance. He is to far gone......
