Pagoda Cup Help


New Member
:confused: Below is a picture of my pagoda cup that I have had for several months. Please forgive the picture, I am amazed at the pictures people post but I haven't figured out how to do that yet. When I got up this morning I noticed the areas which appear "dead" to me, actually looks like it is peeling away alittle. My husband told me that the day before our nudibrach had died and was resting on the pagoda cup covered with slime. For some reason he didn't remove it right away and left it go till night. YEAKS, what was he thinking!!!!!
He is in the dog house! I am assuming this area has died from ammonia spike caused by direct contact with the decaying nudibranch. Am I in the ballpark? Nobody else shows any symptoms of illness, just that spot. The rest of the cup seems fine, it is extended (even if you can't tell from the picture). The area which is affected is about the size of a quarter and the piece is like about 5-6 inches across. How is the prognosis for the rest? Can I do anything to help the rest survive? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank You
I posted in another area but got no responses, maybe I will have better luck here!


I'm not a nudi expert by ANY means, but i think i read something about toxicity problems with some strains of dead/dying nudis.
And I would listen to Kip. He knows what he's talking about.


New Member

Originally posted by Kip4130
the afflicted area shouldnt be getting bigger
is it?
just keep it under good flow and blow away the dead tissue and it will recover over time... you will need to keep algae from growing in the dead spot too so keep an eye on that

It doesnt seem to be getting bigger, at least since yesterday morning. I dont know if they are called polyps on a pagoda cup or not, but anyway some of those in the area are still coming out a little bit others seem gone. I moved it up to a place with a little more flow, we will see how it does.
Thank You for the help!