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What I find the most difficult to accept is the blatant double-standard that our modern society accepts.
Alexander the Great. His story is in every history book and is taught at schools world-wide. Prove it. Prove that he existed. We can't. We only have a SINGLE scroll depicting Alexander the Great and his legacy. For all we know, it could be a really old children's tale. But there are over 900 scrolls that have been found depicting Jesus' death AND resurrection. Yet it is pushed under the rug because it could be considered credible enough to help the case for the bible.
Caesar. Everyone knows Caesar. We have about 1,000 scrolls referencing Caesar, about 1/3 of which are also used IN the bible. (Ironic?)
But we have 24,000 scrolls collectively depicting the events that took place in the New Testament.
Double Standard.
Google it. Pretty easy to find the facts on this one.
Not really a double standard if you take into consideration that Alexander the Great and Caesar were never depicted as having risen from the dead, turning water into wine, healing people and whatever else was attributed to Jesus. No one that I know of disputes that a guy named Jesus actually lived, even the Jewish people. What is disputed is the whole son of god, messiah thing and all the supposed miraclesmagical acts that he performed.