Painting a tank


Active Member
Is it possible to paint the back of an established aquarium? I wanted to try to do this on my 55 gal and paint the outside of the back black because I am tired of looking at all of the powercords n things. If this is possible how should I go about doing this? Are there any alternatives if I cant do this?


get a huge piece of black paper and just tape it on the back really tight. Look at like Hobby Lobby or anyplace of the sort. They should have huge rolls of paper with many different colors


Active Member
I have done it before with roll-on enamel. I shut off the tank, covered the top and sump and used a small roller and enamel. The only thing is is that it doesn't seem to cover as well as spray, but you can't spray with livestock in there, IMO no matter how well you cover and secure the tank. Asking for trouble.
But if you do decide to paint and roll it on find a non-toxin, quick-dry paint. Take your time and be carefull. Luck.


Originally Posted by Airforceman
get a huge piece of black paper and just tape it on the back really tight. Look at like Hobby Lobby or anyplace of the sort. They should have huge rolls of paper with many different colors
Unless it is in direct contact with the glass you'll see glare from it.
An alternative to painting is to get some 20" plastic aquarium backing at your LFS. Use a little bit of cooking oil on it and squeegy it on.
The back side of this backing is solid black. I liked the fading blue myself, so I used this side.
More pics


I painted my 72 with Enamel and a 4" roller. I got the paint and roller at my wifes crafts store. They use it to paint plates and coffee cups. It took two coats, but looks great. I painted mine licorice black.


Active Member
I went to Lowe's today and picked up a gallon of some midnight cowboy black latex today and am going to paint the new tank and will try and roll the back of the existing two tanks but am not sure I can do it without painting the wall as well...