Pair of Ocellaris Clowns Sick!


OK...I've got a pair of tank rasied ocellaris clowns in my QT and neither one of them seem normal. One has a spot on it's fin and side, and this morning I noticed it's color had faded a little. The other clown hs something wrong with it's gills. Also, up until this morning they were devouring the food (mysis and flake, mixed with Reef Plus or garlic...I alternate). This morning, the clown with the spot and faded color had no interest in the food. They have been in QT about 2 weeks...I tested the water and everything was normal but the trates. They were about 20 ppm so I did a 5 gallon water change on a 20 long QT. Not sure what I should do now. Attached are the best pictures I could get.
PLEASE help...thanks.



I also want to add that prior to putting them in my QT I did a freshwater dip with metylene blue and the spot on the fin did not come off. Also, it has not changed size or appeared any place else on either clown which leads me to beleive that it is not ich.


They do not look that bad to me. Be on the look out for any peeling. I realy think that that one spot is lymph. Keep a close eye on it. The red gills will heal if you keep your water quality high and feed the foods that I recommended.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
They do not look that bad to me. Be on the look out for any peeling. I realy think that that one spot is lymph. Keep a close eye on it. The red gills will heal if you keep your water quality high and feed the foods that I recommended.

Just so I make certain I am feeding the right stuff...the food you recommend is mysis or flake mixed with fresh garlic or the Reef Plus concentrated vitamins and amino acids? thanks


Nope, buy frozen formula foods for the clowns. The mysis was to get the LMB eating. Dose them in fresh garlic, Reef Plus, Vitachem, and/or selcon, zoecon. Flake just does not have the nutrition of frozen foods. -Ilene