Pair of Ocellaris For Trade in NJ


Active Member
I'm in New Brunswick - these guys r really cute and active swimmers. Not sure if one of them's made the change yet, but they do the 'dominance dance.'
Looking for a sixline wrasse, purple firefish, or 2 clown gobies.
post with any other suggestions!


Active Member
LoL, thanx Deez, but I've only got a 12 gallon and can't have all athose fish in there together, need to trade out my Ocellaris. I figured I'd have to take them to my LFS, but just figured I'd give this place a shot. thanx anyhow!


New Member
I will take the pair if you do not want them and compensate you in terms of cash or something we can work out. :)


Active Member
e-mail would be loads better - traveling for Thanksgiving.
sorry to inconvinience, but I'm all over the place right now and will be into next week - e-mail me tho and I'll be able to get back to you MUCH quicker, as I check my e-mail multiple times a day/night.
thank you!


Active Member
Mimzy, First of all love your e-mail address. :joy: But then also to let you know after you get your e-mail from GK, you should edit your post and delete your e-mail address. There are programs that search message boards for address then you get the dreaded SPAM. The last time I put my e-mail addy on her I got 37 SPAM in 24 hours. Or elese you can spell it out. Mimzywimy at yahoo dot com.