

Active Member
i had 2 clowns one smaller and one larger and the smaller of the 2 died the other day, i think i cant find his body any place and now im thinking of getting another. should i go bigger or smaller than the one i have left since it was the biggest?


Active Member
The one that died/missing was the male so you want to get on smaller than your female [bigger one] .


Active Member
Probly not as most likely you will have two females and will normally fight till at least one is dead . Did you think I told you to get a smaller one because I felt like it ?


Active Member
Take it back if you can.
You want to get a smaller one from a group, dost not have to be the smallest from the group....just dont get the largest one of the group, very possible that the larger one in the group might all ready be FM. The larger one from a group could be smaller than your female
but already be a female also, so you dont want her....also make sure the replacement is the same species.


Originally Posted by jessica47421
could i get one bigger then that one? or does it have to be smaller,also i got a bigger one will they be ok???



Active Member
alright they have been together for 2 days now and swim together allllllll the time. they told me at the lfs that since they both was small and one was just slightly bigger that they would be fine and they probly had not changed yet so that is why i got the bigger one.
how long does it take for them to change sexes? and do they have to be so big before they change?
if they was both females wouldnt they already be fight?????


not nesecarily one may only be starting to change over once that starts there is no stopping it they continue to change. if thats the case as soon as the are both fully female they will start to fight.


Active Member
That depends on the age of the fish . Sometimes it will take a few weeks for them to feel at home and then get territorial with each other and fight .