I used to have a pair of clownfish but the female died. It's been maybe a year or more and now I'm thinking of getting my one clownfish a buddy again. The only thing i'm worried about is that my clownfish might kill the new one. I have a 65 gal. tank with a yellow tang, flame angel, yellow tail damsel, and a scooter blenny.......the clownfish is the boss over all of them. My clownfish thinks he's the boss of me too seeing how without a doubt i get attacked and bitten (too bad for him it does nothing to me. ^^). This is why I'm afraid death will fall on a new clownfish, but when I added the damsel, my clown did nothing to him, so I'm still optimistic. Also, when the female dies doesn't the male become the female? so I would get another male or juvenile. One more thing every piece of coral in the tank is the clownfishes house, All Of Them. I wonder if he'll or she'll be able to share...