pairing marroon clowns?


I use a liquid form of calcium that I get from the LFS and simply follow the instuctions on the bottle. It works in my tanks and is the simplest way for me. Never used powder forms or drip methods. I will get the name of it later if your interested.


I use kent marine tech-cb expert series calcium buffer part a and part b ( 2 different bottles). Will need a test kit to measure ppm of calcium in your tank water. Good Luck:happy:


I had a dual chamber custom sump filter built for my oceanic 175g bowfront. Its big and awesome. 1 chamber if full of macro & live rock the 2nd has a combo of poly filter pads, chem absorbents and even some of the old blue bioballs. Use a lg skimmer and uv sterilizer to protect my # tangs! Oh on the PC bulbs if same type of pin plug in, watts and size then should be fine:D Good luck
How much of the calcium suppliment do you go through. day/week/month. Want to get an idea of the expenses. Thanks


don't worry i have seen the large bottle for under $ 5 on websites (lfs will be 2x that) and my use will be different as our tanks are different sizes. But won't $ much and easy to use!!
The percula and maroon decided to fight after all. I need a tank divider or sump. Not sure what to do just yet. Any ideas.


these guys are natural competitors in the wild and may not want to share close quarters. maroons can be very aggressive esp when large in size and taking claim to an anemone, would find separate homes for these guys! Best to get clowns in pairs but some species are very passive and can be mixed if added at same time, juveniles, and have a big tank to spread out in.