Pajama Cardinal

I have a 38q aquarium with 2 percs, a bubbletip anemone, and a number of damsels. I have recently seen these fish and liked their color. I was wondering:
What do they eat?
Is my tank a good size?
Are they peaceful with other fish?
Are they reef compatible?
Can they be kept with anemones? :notsure:


Active Member
i got a bangaii cardinal 3 days ago so im not a expert by any means but i like to talk about swf. he hides in the caves most of the day and comes out alot when the light goes out. he is kinda shy like and i have heard damsels are mean so i dont think these guys would do good with them, but im not sure about that i have him in a 55 gal but i dont think it has to be that big. i had a hard time getting him to eat so i now feed him small amount of brine shrimp flake mysis shrimp blood worms and krill he is eating good now though. im sure this isnt alot of help but im sure a expert will be in soon. have a good day.
I couldn't help reading your other thread about the bangii cardinal. I remember someone told you to look up fishgeek01. Was he informative? Does he breed pajama cardinals, too?