Pakistani Butterfly (Chaetodon collare)


Active Member
Does anyone have first hand experiance with them?...meaning, have you personally every owned one?
If so, what is your experiance with them?
They've been one of my favorite fish, since I got into the hobby, but have never purchased one. A few years of research have told me that they never do well, right from the beginning...they dont eat, dont adapt to tank life, are very sensitive, etc.
We got one in, at my store, a few weeks ago (close to a month ago). So far, it's adapted VERY well, eating everything from pellets to mysis to krill to nori sheets. It's been housed with a Yellow Tang, a few Anthias and some other fish.
At 5.5" - 6", it's already an adult and has been doing this well so far...I'm thinking of bringing him home, to house in the 90gal.
Advice, comments, concerns?...please let me know.


i can't give you first handed experience with this particular butterfly, but i do have some experience with butterflies.
Most of the trouble with butterflies is that they don't ship well, and it can be tough getting them to eat. it seems that you are beyond this point with this fish. make sure there is no signs of bacterial infections (red spots around the mouth usually). wet web media lists this species under the "good" category if that means anything to you. that's all i got for you. hope this helps.


Active Member
Thanks...I appreciate it.
I've observed it for a little over a week, watching for any signs of ich and/or bacterial infections. Both the pectoral fins and tail fin are perfectly clear. The base tail color is bright, bright red and the other colors are perfect and vivid.


sounds good to me. i wish people kept butterflies more often then they did. these fish seem to get overshadowed by tangs and angels, which is a shame. good luck.


Active Member
What type of swimming habits do Butterflys have? Are they bold, open water or do they like to hide and swim amongst the rocks?
I've always associated Butterfly fish with reef tanks, which I've never kept, so I have no clue.


most bfs are found in fairly shallow water around reefs. they aren't fast open water swimmers like tangs. my pearlscale seems to swim in and out of the rock formations more than swimming the length of the tank.


mine is my favorite fish. i wish i had some pics, but i don't have a camera. next pay period.


Active Member
I've not personally kept one of these fish, and the main reason is that IMO, they are not one of the best species, in spite of what certain resources claim.
I have yet to see one do well long term, and I'm sure some folks have had success. The ones my lfs gets in from time to time usually end up looking like crap afer a few days; bacterial infections, twitching, not eating well. IMO, if the one you're considering is eating well and looks healthy, it might be a good bet. I've kept different butterflies over the years, including my current blackback which I've had for over 5 years. They are sensitive to a degree, but more in terms of water quality and not keeping them with really aggressive mates. Other than that, many species can do well in the right system.


Active Member
Thanks, very much, for the info. With how well this one has been doing, I think I might risk it.
It's either me take it or it'll end up getting sold to someone who has no idea what it is and it'll be stuffed into a 45gal. tank.

ledzep fan

Active Member
Hey AW2x3, IMO i would not buy this fish. For one they are difficult to keep and secondly you want to house this fish in a tank where you have a grouper, White mouth moray and a Hawaiin Dragon Eel? You are going to be over stocked. So IMO wait till you set up the bigger tank like you have been telling us and get one then. JMHO


Active Member
Well, I picked him up today, finally. My buddy said there were many people asking about it, wanting to buy it but he held out and hung on to it for me. This whole 2 months...this one has been eating everything you throw in the tank (nori, pellets, mysis, krill, butterfly food, etc).
I brought him home, on my lunch break and with the help of my girlfriend, acclimated him for well over 2 hours. Dumped him into the tank and within a few minutes, he was already picking at the rocks.

My one concern was that the Giant Hawkfish was going to bother him but he's shown no signs of aggression and even backed away and hid when the Butterfly swam near him.
Pics to follow soon...I want to give him time to chill out before I start snapping off pics in his face.


Active Member
Alright...I couldn't resist. He was doing so well, I went ahead and went all paparazzi on him.



Active Member
We have them in the store all the time. They usually have one of two problems. They have lympho or are hemmoraging when they come in. Nothing a cleaner shrimp won't take care of. But they seem to be sensitive fish. The are gorgeous fish however if you have the right environment for one. Good luck keep us updated!


aw, great looking fish im glad hes eating well keep up the food and im sure he will do ok
( keep un eye on those water parameters)


Active Member
I am going to have to keep up with more frequent water changes. Right now, I usually only do them once a month but with this guy, I have the feeling I'm gonna have to get back into changing every week or every two weeks.
My skimmer is rated for over 200gal and it's running on a 90gal tank, plus I have a 45gal sump with refugium.
Day two and he's still doing great, swimming the length of the tank over and over...probably extremely happy to be out of that 10 gal, which he's been in for 2 months. Still no aggression between him and the Giant Hawkfish, although they are hanging out more closely and the Hawkfish isn't getting freaked out anymore.
We'll have to see how it goes.