Pale Yellow Tang


My yellow tang gets pale in the evenings. He is a beautiful yellow all day long and sometime after 5 gets pale almost white over half of his body. By morning he is back to full color. He has been doing this for several weeks now. All the tank peramaters are normal. He is a great eater and gets along with his tankmates. Any ideas on what might be causing this?


:thinking: they will change colors i forget the reason but it is normal only question is what size tank do you have because it might be stress or are any fish bothering it :thinking:


Tank size is a concern...blindly followed my LFS when setting up my tank and he recommended a tang. I have a stretch hex 40 gallon. He hides when I run the vaccum, or clean the tank, but other that that swims happily. He and the coral beauty get along well.


He's fine, my yellow tang does the same thing usually when the lights go off, my puffer camoflauges into the live rock i have don't worry, most fish change color it's a defensive mechanism


Originally Posted by rcmcg
Tank size is a concern...blindly followed my LFS when setting up my tank and he recommended a tang. I have a stretch hex 40 gallon. He hides when I run the vaccum, or clean the tank, but other that that swims happily. He and the coral beauty get along well.

Where did you get your tank from?