Palin so-to-be senator????


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Please McCain didn't stand a chance, you can't out liberal a liberal, and that is what he was trying to do. It had nothing to do with palin. If anything Palin kept this thing half way interesting to the end.
obviously you haven't been watching the post election results and polls where Republicans who didn't vote for McCain listed Palin as the #1 reason they did not vote for him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Our President Elect has proven you don't need any foreign policy experience to be President. (excuse me, be elected President)
McCain proved Moderates won't vote for a Moderate Republican.
In 4 years we'll be looking for a Conservative; She will be around for a while I'm sure.
Sure she will...
The Sarah Palin Show -
a daily talk show to discuss the controversial issues of Alaska. How to prepare that caribou to perfection. Which binoculars are best to view our foreign neighbors? Which lipstick do most hockey moms prefer to put on their pigs?
Reality Show, Sarah, Todd, and the Grandkids Too -
See how a successful governor can corrupt her state, and still be a good grandma and wife. Watch Todd as he wins yet another Snowmobile Iditarrod, and threatens yet another relative. Will Sarah kick her new son-in-law out of the house after she discovers he's not the father of her illigitimate granddaughter? Only time will tell...
Sounded like McCain was even tired of her towards the end..
I like the part where she wanted to give her own concession speech before McCain. Even had the script in her hands when she met up with him in the end..


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Sure she will...
The Sarah Palin Show -
a daily talk show to discuss the controversial issues of Alaska. How to prepare that caribou to perfection. Which binoculars are best to view our foreign neighbors? Which lipstick do most hockey moms prefer to put on their pigs?
Reality Show, Sarah, Todd, and the Grandkids Too -
See how a successful governor can corrupt her state, and still be a good grandma and wife. Watch Todd as he wins yet another Snowmobile Iditarrod, and threatens yet another relative. Will Sarah kick her new son-in-law out of the house after she discovers he's not the father of her illigitimate granddaughter? Only time will tell...
Sounded like McCain was even tired of her towards the end..
I like the part where she wanted to give her own concession speech before McCain. Even had the script in her hands when she met up with him in the end..

Palin was a bad pick and eventually destroyed McCain's chances. Them moderate vote that they lost is bigger that the ultra-conservative that she would have brought in. She also doesn't have much of a political future, IMO. We'll see, I guess.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
obviously you haven't been watching the post election results and polls where Republicans who didn't vote for McCain listed Palin as the #1 reason they did not vote for him.
Sure, listen to a bunch of liberals tell us what is wrong with our party... You see where it got us with the morons voting for McCain.
Originally Posted by m0nk

Palin was a bad pick and eventually destroyed McCain's chances. Them moderate vote that they lost is bigger that the ultra-conservative that she would have brought in. She also doesn't have much of a political future, IMO. We'll see, I guess.
See this doesn't make any sense. The "moderates" are going to abandon McCain because Palin is a conservative and flee to the people who created and perfected partisanship? This about this...


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Sure, listen to a bunch of liberals tell us what is wrong with our party... You see where it got us with the morons voting for McCain.
See this doesn't make any sense. The "moderates" are going to abandon McCain because Palin is a conservative and flee to the people who created and perfected partisanship? This about this...
I didn't say they were going to vote Democrat, just that they wouldn't vote Republican.


Active Member
Originally Posted by m0nk
I didn't say they were going to vote Democrat, just that they wouldn't vote Republican.
So see if you can follow my logic. It is either not vote (no way of knowing) or voting for an alternative candidate. Lets assume that the moderates are going to vote. So it is either Obama, or an alternative party candidate. Bob Barr (the libertarian candidate and the most prominent) won about 1% of the vote. Which is not enough to even make a splash (except in NC maybe)
The thing is, historically this is about on par with the 3rd party for the last few elections. Assuming the same turnout for Barr as the last few elections for the 3rd party, barr didn't get any bounce with people "running from palin". So either these "moderates" didn't vote at, or voted Obama. So no I don't really buy that informed moderates (informed being the key word) abandoned their party because of the conservative veep.
Now for the most part I don't think Palin lost him any votes. I do however this that this template that the libs in the media are now using regarding her is simply an attempt to remove her from the national spotlight. And we all know how well we do when we let them choose our candidates.
note: I'm only using moderate for the use of communication. I do think it is a misnomer. This is an explanation to show if you accept your premise that they on a whole had to have voted for obama.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Now for the most part I don't think Palin lost him any votes.
She lost him mine. That's one, and I know others who said the same thing.
Obama's too liberal for my taste, but after not only experiencing Palin, but also the decision-making process that led to her, I couldn't give Johnny Mac my vote.
Romney was the easy choice, and probably the best choice. But McCain chose someone with 'no downside'. In the process, he lost his best argument, that Obama wasn't experienced for the job.
Better the devil you know...


Active Member
Originally Posted by gmann1139
She lost him mine. That's one, and I know others who said the same thing.
Obama's too liberal for my taste, but after not only experiencing Palin, but also the decision-making process that led to her, I couldn't give Johnny Mac my vote.
Romney was the easy choice, and probably the best choice. But McCain chose someone with 'no downside'. In the process, he lost his best argument, that Obama wasn't experienced for the job.
Better the devil you know...
without googling name something she did policy wise, that was "too liberal."


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
obviously you haven't been watching the post election results and polls where Republicans who didn't vote for McCain listed Palin as the #1 reason they did not vote for him.

I just saw Rove break down the polling results and Palin was a slight + for McCain. Like I said at the time short term it was a good move but it would be hard to say long term. I personally don't think a difference VP would have made the difference.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
without googling name something she did policy wise, that was "too liberal."
I'm going to assume you misread my post.
Calling Palin a liberal requires a level of right-wingedness that I can't even fathom.


Active Member
I wonder if the reports are true... that she didn't know the countries who were in NAFTA.
And that she thought Africa was a country and that S.Africa was just part of it.
Basically there are McCain insiders that say she doesn't know the major events affecting the party in the last 10 years.