pan world pump


ok i need to upgrade my pump.
i wnat a pump that will be able to power my mrc mr2 skimmmer with dual injectors ( dont have yet) and my display tank (150 gal)
i was looking at the Pan World 200PS Magnetic Water Pump.
anyone run these pumps?
what do you think.
are they quiet?


Active Member
Pan World pumps are basically Iwaki knock offs. They have the potential to be as quiet as the [legendary] Iwaki, but many people that run they say they are anything but.
That said, beckett skimmers are usually somewhat noisy as is their design, so unless the pump is really bad you probably aren't going to notice it. I've never heard an MRC skimmer before, but I've heard other skimmers that use the same foam head and they do make a good bit of "water noise."


Active Member
hum... that is weird... i had a iwaki and now a panworld... i like the panworld 2x more... thay are 2x less noise then the old iwaki ( even tho i really like the iwaki!! they are built to last!!! ) i only had the panworld for a month but i like it that much already... it is made by the EX-Chief engineer of iwaki so they are sapose to be the same design... as for a the MRC@ duel beckett injector!!! your gonna love the foam on that thing!!!!! but from what i hear,they are noisy due to the air it pulls... i dont think you need a 'pressure' rated pump cuzz even the circulation pump from either ( iwaki/panworld) can pump like 12' head... i think the 1200gph pump would do good...