Panama City, FL FOR SALE


New Member
Due to military orders, my husband and I are having to move to a place where we will not be able to keep a tank. Thus, we are selling everything!
85 gal with refugium & protein skimmer and three power heads in the main tank. All this will be sold together with the lighting system. We prefer that the purchaser is either local or is coming to Panama City for one reason or another. We will not ship the tanks.
We have everything that is in the tank for sell as well, but we can not sell it here. If you might be interested PM me.
65 - 70 lbs Live Rock fully incursted, some with pink sponge and other growths.
1 Convict Blenny, 2 Green Chromis Damselfish, 1 Magenta Dottyback, 1 Yellow Tang
2 Cleaner Shrimp, 1 Peppermint Shrimp, 1 Sand Sifting Starfish, 3 Brittle Stars, 1 Emerald Crab, Countless Hermit Crabs and Turbo Snails, Bubble tip anemone.
Green Zoos and Purple Mushrooms.
Make me offers and I will see what I can do. My husband and I would rather people make offers than set a price list.


Active Member
I am interested in all the rock and both cleaner shrimp the emerald and hermits and snails also the zoos and shrooms.
I live in S Fla. $How about $125 for the rock and both cleaner shrimp the emerald and hermits and snails. Plus email me a pic of the shrooms and zoos and I will make you an offer on those.
All of this is + shipping.


New Member
50 lbs of lr that has no growth on it generally goes for almost $200. This stuff is covered in growth... most of the rock are completely purple with corals and/or clams growing on them. This is about 70 lbs or rock... I really do not think $125 is enough for me to part with the rocks and the inverts together.
Thanks for the offer though.


I am in Panama City, and am interested in the mushroom and zoos plus some inverts. I may also have a buyer for the rock. Shoot me an email perhaps we could work something out on the whole setup. or call 814-9872


New Member
The power heads go with the tank. The system is being sold all together, no breaking it up. But thanks anyway.


New Member
That would be fine, are you local or will I have to ship? If I have to ship we may have a problem. Sponge has to be kept with zero air, thus I would need to make sure that the rocks that have sponge on them are shipped differently. Almost all the rocks host sponge in great amounts.


I thought most of the rock would be gone saturday? How much are you wanting to get for the mushrooms, and how many are there?


Is the whole thing still for sale? I would like to see a picture and know what kind of lighting it has. I may be able to pick it up next week. email me pics at ggatschet at alaweb dot com


New Member
Originally Posted by Harris28
I am interested in your lighting, could you e-mail me - and maybe send a pic or describe what you have. Thanks
The system is going to be sold as a whole, not in parts. Please read before posting.


I read the post or I would not have known you had lights. I thought I would ask anyway. It doesn't hurt to ask does it!!!