Panda Butterflyfish? Or not.


About a week ago this lfs had fish that they claimed were Vagabond's,I decided to go pick 1 up and what I see is a PANDA BUTTERFLYFISH! and a LINED BUTTERFLYFISH! Eating like pigs!
I decided to buy the Panda and got an Unidentified Wrasse with it.He eats and my bro claims the Panda Bf is not a Panda Bf,I doubted him and noticed it is not,because it had a black spot at the rear,while Panda's don't.What do you think this is,How great of a deal did we get buying him for $33? and how hardy are they actually because mine survived an ich-outbreak and a phosphate drop.Along with the Wrasse and a Reef Bf


Originally Posted by Seattle
About a week ago this lfs had fish that they claimed were Vagabond's,I decided to go pick 1 up and what I see is a PANDA BUTTERFLYFISH! and a LINED BUTTERFLYFISH! Eating like pigs!
I decided to buy the Panda and got an Unidentified Wrasse with it.He eats and my bro claims the Panda Bf is not a Panda Bf,I doubted him and noticed it is not,because it had a black spot at the rear,while Panda's don't.What do you think this is,How great of a deal did we get buying him for $33? and how hardy are they actually because mine survived an ich-outbreak and a phosphate drop.Along with the Wrasse and a Reef Bf

Please clarify how these fish already survived all of this if you got them a week ago. Can you post a pic of the fish(s) that you bought? What sized tank is this, how much rock is in it, and how long have you had it running? What all is in the display? Also, Happy Birthday Seatle


It is about 11 months old,125lbs of live rock,oh and.
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Reef Butterflyfish
And the Wrasse,that is it.
The Phosphate thing is because our brother accidently broke the reactor with the Fish Food Cup
And the ich outbreak was from a Foxface.
Yeah lazy b-day today,the real b-day is tomarrow.$200 of buying fish and coral,after all I got 3 marine fish tanks.
I'll try to post a pic tomarrow,all the camera's need to be charged except this really bad 1 we have.And I have no idea,they haven't got effected by anything at all.I qted the Sailfin and he is starting to do better,I don't know if he will make it for sure though,Still alittle ich hanging on to him :(.
Oh sorry tank size is 125.
WHOA OOPS! I meant 90 lbs of lr,wow 130 would overfill that tank


Originally Posted by Seattle
It is about 11 months old,125lbs of live rock,oh and.
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Reef Butterflyfish
And the Wrasse,that is it.
The Phosphate thing is because our brother accidently broke the reactor with the Fish Food Cup
And the ich outbreak was from a Foxface.
Yeah lazy b-day today,the real b-day is tomarrow.$200 of buying fish and coral,after all I got 3 marine fish tanks.
I'll try to post a pic tomarrow,all the camera's need to be charged except this really bad 1 we have.And I have no idea,they haven't got effected by anything at all.I qted the Sailfin and he is starting to do better,I don't know if he will make it for sure though,Still alittle ich hanging on to him :(.
Oh sorry tank size is 125.
WHOA OOPS! I meant 90 lbs of lr,wow 130 would overfill that tank

Seatle, I know that you are young but you are not making sense to me. You have a 125, you got some kind of butterfly and a free wrassie a week ago. I assume you had the tang, but he has ich too? If you just got the other two then how did they survive a bout of ich already? You just put the sailfin into qt? And the ich is hanging off? The tank is 11 months old and you only kept a sailfin in there? Did you have other fish die from ich? Pull those three fish out and get rid of this problem all together. QT ALL new fish and anything else with a hard surface such as rock, inverts etc.


Active Member
IMO, I hope your right and that its not Chaetodon adiergastos because it would have little chance to live. Without a photo, I want guess at what you really have. Too many can look simular....hopefull its a more hardier species though.


Well,It is 11 months old yeah,but we bought it from some person that lives nearby 2 months ago and they had the fish tank all nice,but it was an aggresive tank
so we sold all the fish.
The Sailfin didn't make it,and yes we have a 12gal quaratine we put him in,the rest of the fish are fine,along with the water conditions so I shouldn't be worried about any of that now
There was no point in stuffing them in a quaratine also because of the fact they are all alone in the 125,so there is really no point...
I don't know if pics is gonna happen but i'll try ok?
Sorry I don't make much sense
that always happens
Dogstar,I have a good idea of what the Butterfly is and yes,I couldn't resist a Obligate Coralivore eating everything even off my hands,price was a deal 2,oh and let me check the name if that is what it was I should be lucky,I got a hardy almost-impossible to care for fish


Eh,I was luckier than that,one of those eating,has a blackspot at the rear of it's tail,and the yellow is alittle bit more bold.Could it be a hybrid,or is that like Blue Tangs,yellow or blue tail


All I can find that looks even close to it is a fish called a Japanese Golden Butterflyfish
Yeah it is a Panda Butterflyfish,other than feeding what is so bad about them? Mine eats and is healthy I don't know why I should be upset
Found a picture of 1 with the same coloration.So yep I got a Panda Butterflyfish on my hands,now what?
Since is a butterfly panda I would take good care of him/her. Feed and change water if possible. Make sure Nitrates are low.
that's about it.