Panda Clown Goby


Active Member
Does anyone have one? I'm looking at getting one, but don't know how much I really want it, I have a citron clown goby at the moment Im bringing back to health (lfs had it very skinny and pale.) And now I found out I can get a Panda Clown for around $30 (ill try to get them to lower it.) I think It'd be cool to have but want some other input. Any pics welcome aswell.


Active Member
I asked sorta the same question a little bit ago. Check out my thread on Panda Goby.
I had seen it in a magazine as a new fish that is being imported. Someone said that they might be a SPS coral polpy eater only. I don't know. I think that they are awesome fish and if I could find one around here I would have to get it.
Thing is these guys stay really tiny, I dont think they get any longer than an inch. You also never see them they hide most of the time. Saw mine twice after I put it in the tank dont know if it is still in there or not.


Active Member
How big is your tank though? I'm sporting a 29gallon and soon a sub-10. So I should see it, I'm curious on personality.


Active Member
Did you have alot of rockwork? I don't have many hiding places, but even if it does, thats fine, i want a fish that I'm glad to see, not like my firefish or something like that thats out all the time, something that only comes out every so often.


Do they get along with other clown gobies? Yellow for instance? That is a cool looking little fish that may have made the "Gotta try one" list.


Active Member
its technically not a clown goby, so I'm assuming it does, it will be going in with a citron one I have, and possibly a rusty one (I'm setting up another tank, so if some don't get along, they go to other tank