Panther Grouper in a Reef...TEMPORARY


Active Member
I ordered a medium Panther Grouper for my aggressive tank and he came in a little smaller than I was hoping...1 1/2"- 2"...
Right now he's in a 10gal QT for a few weeks (highly recommended for all new acquisitions) but then, depending on growth rate, I may need to place him in my Nano Reef to continue "growing out" so he won't fit in my Lions mouth...
Two questions...
1. I've read much about how quickly they grow when small...Will he double in size in a month??
2. If I do place him in the reef (temporarily..maybe an additional month) beside "waste" concerns, are they "Reef safe" or would he eat my inverts...mostly softies...?? Again only in the 2"-3" range, about the same size as my Clowns...
* I've posted this in the reef forum, in reference to the inverts...but ask again here for growth rate experiance...*


New Member
Do not place your grouper in a reef tank. Not only will he nip at your corals, he will also eat any damsels, shrimp, or inverts that will fit into his mouth. As far as size growth, they grow pretty fast. Will he double in size in a month? No way. Not many fish can actually double in size in a mere month, however, you will see that he is getting bigger (longer, fatter, wider, etc.) Hope this helps.


Active Member
Cool, I'll probably just leave him in the QT for now (bare bottom/piece of pipe) and in a couple weeks when I'm sure he won't need any "treatment' I can 'dress up" his "Hotel Tank" with some LR to make him comfortable till he grows out a bit...
Then we'll toss him in with the 'Big Boys" to play...:eek:


Active Member
He won't touch your corals. I also had two peppermint shrimp and one coral banded in with a panther once. He didn't bother them at all as he preferred silversides, squid, krill, etc. I'm not saying all will be like that though. Panthers are one of the fastest growing fish I've ever seen. He will put on some noticeable size in a month, but he probably won't double. How big are your lions and what species are they?


Active Member
One Voltain, I've had him about a year now...He's gone from 6" to almost 12" (11-1/2" best I can tell) pretty mellow, hasn't eaten my Dragon Wrasse and of course Waldo the Crocadile fish (about 8" now)...
I had the same situation with the Dragon Wrasse when I got him, the Lion was about 8"-9" and he came in at 1". Had to put him up in a Hotel Tank for about 4 months before I could add him to the display...and even then I had a "nervous" couple of weeks when I let him go...:nervous:
I haven't gotten much responce from the "reef thread", but I'd like for him to grow out in there (the Nano), being a more "stable" system (20 nano + 10 sump/fuge) than trying to maintain a 10 gal for a period of months...
Although I would only have to "exchange" water with the main on a regular basis, basicly making the HT just an extention of the Main...


Active Member
Just checking the date from when I got my Panther...
Been about a month and this sucker grows FAST...
Went from 1 1/2" to 2 1/2" and is starting to take "swipes" at a 1" clown...
I just moved the contents of my 20 Nano to a 54 reef (including the clown...:nervous: ...) so the 20 is now a "Hotel" for him to grow out in...
At this rate...another month and he"ll be ready for the big tank.
Which is cool, cause my 220 should be in this week...:jumping: