Panther Grouper Not Eating


I purchased a 2 inch baby panther grouper
4 days ago...I've tried to feed him live brine,
shrimp, flake foods, carnivore foods...and he
won't touch anything...when feeding time
comes he swims around the food like he's
looking for something but he wont eat.
He just looks at the food. I heard this is
one of the most hungry fish...why isnt he
eating? This has been 4 days straight this
fish hasnt eaten.
I put him in a 100 gallon thats been running
two years. The other fish in the tank with him
are a 4 inch maroone clown, 3 inch strawberry
gramma, & 3 inch electric blue damsel.
Any help would be appreciated
Have you seen any of the other fish picking on him ? If he is being picked on he probably would not eat. Try small pieces of krill or shrimp, something with a little more size. That may draw him in. With the other fish in there you may have to have a few extra pieces ready, they will like it to. :)


Active Member
I would try soaking some frozen brine shrimp in garlic extract. This may entice him to eat. Have you tried Mysis shrimp?


Yeah, definately soak food in garlic extact. Try small portions the Panther can handle. You may need to isolate him if there is a lot of competition for food.


I just picked up a pather grouper a couple of days ago, and he is really tiny only 1 inch. I am having trouble getting him to eat as well. Hes in my 125, but i think im going to put him QT to see if I can fattin him up a little. I have read that these fish have been known to go a couple of days to a over a week without eating. HTH


dont be concered to much, he will eventually eat. soak food in extract definatly. i had a yellow grouper for my 10 gallon tank, approx. 2.5 inches long. he didnt eat much and mostly hid in a little nook. then i moved him into my 29 gallon and he took over right away.


Its been approximately one week since I purchased
this grouper. I've tried everything from flake foods,
to pellet foods, to live brine, shrimp, silverside,
and even tried soaking the food in garlic.
He still wont eat. He just swims up to the food,
looks at it, and swims back to his little crevice.
This fish is defiantely a bottom hugger and doesnt
swim much. He hasnt begun to show signs of
starvation. What should I do? Call guts and give
him another week? take him back to the pet store?
or throw him in the quarantine? How long can
a panther grouper go without eating?


Active Member
Can you construct some sort of feeding stick for him? I would soak some food in garlic extract, put it on the end of a "feeding stick", and then try to dangle food in front of the grouper to see if he will go after it.
You may also want to try posting this in the Aggressive Forum to see if anyone over there can help. Don't lose hope yet. :)


if you got him from a LFS
call and ask them what they feed?
mine was being fed sandeels and squid
i quickly wzs able to convert him to mysis and in a month krill and silversides


Try some live ghost shrimp....had the same problem with a new lion...Also..a grouper a few years ago...ghost shrimp will usually do the trick...until you can ween him off..HTH