panther grouper question


Active Member
Ok i have a 180 and when i get it set up adventualy i want a reef and i get a panther grouper will he be reef safe?and also i have clowns will he eat them?


Active Member
Although I have no personal experience with panther groupers, all of my reading suggests they will eat your small fish and inverts.


New Member
20 years ago I tried keeping Spotted Sweetlips. They were very peaceful and shy, but mine kept dying on me. Never had one live more than a few months, so I've shyed away from them. Unlike the Panter Grouper, Sweetlips should not eat your other fish. says they are reef safe. I've been told they loose their color as they mature, but like I said, I never had one live long enough to find out.



Originally posted by Asbury030
Ok i have a 180 and when i get it set up adventualy i want a reef and i get a panther grouper will he be reef safe?and also i have clowns will he eat them?

I have a panther that is about 7 inches, still living with damsels and clowns. Who will I keep as he grows and presents a danger to them? The grouper! He is the best fish. He's not just decorative. This is a fish that gets excited to see me, that makes eye contact and gives me dirty looks if he speeds over to the food tray and I drop in nori for the other fish. He wants his krill, now please! He doesn't just putter around the tank. He prowls when he's hungry, and then goes into his cave when he's digesting. And he always comes out if he hears me approach the tank, or if I get down and peek into his cave and call him, showing him the mug and spoon (that he knows has krill in it.)
He's not safe for shrimp in the reef, but I don't think he'd bother any corals or anemones or starfish or anything. Nor do I think he'd mess with bigger crabs.
You might just check with the fish-people exactly what part of the reef he's a danger to. Maybe you can do without that part?


i m sure a big one will eat damsels and clowns. They get huge around 2' and IMO will outgrow 180gal especially if its a reef, it can damage corals



Originally posted by ozadars
it can damage corals

Is this a factor of pooping on them or bumping into them? I'd like to convert to a more reef-like tank someday, but I don't want to part with my panther. Obviously shrimp, little crabs, and little fish would be out of the question. But how would the panther damage corals? Does one necessarily preclude the other? My 7-incher is a very mild mannered, solitary fish who spends most of his day in his cave. He's not a bully, has no teeth, and does no grazing or picking at stuff. All he wants is his krill, two at a time please, as many times as I walk by the tank and he rushes to the feeding station to meet me. :happyfish



Originally posted by MalibuPam
Is this a factor of pooping on them or bumping into them? I'd like to convert to a more reef-like tank someday, but I don't want to part with my panther. Obviously shrimp, little crabs, and little fish would be out of the question. But how would the panther damage corals? Does one necessarily preclude the other? My 7-incher is a very mild mannered, solitary fish who spends most of his day in his cave. He's not a bully, has no teeth, and does no grazing or picking at stuff. All he wants is his krill, two at a time please, as many times as I walk by the tank and he rushes to the feeding station to meet me. :happyfish

i mean it wont eat the corals, it can crush corals because it will be a giant



Originally posted by Asbury030
so what does anyone think about sweetlips?

they get huge too so i would not put them with crabs, shrimps and smaller fish. I am not sure if it will eat corals but i sweetlips loose their wonderful colours when they get older


a friend just had a panther comite suicide by trying to eat a fairly large damsel. the damsel survived living with a Voltains and the Panther for the last 3 months. the panther tried to eat the damsel and it didnt get very far into its mouth and couldnt get it out. damn greedy fish.