Panther grouper + zoos + xenia?


Hi guys:
I have a 30G reef and 10g aggresive with a small panther grouper on it. I just got a 12 nano cube and i'm thinking to replace my 10G for it. My 10g never had good lights or filtration for a reef setup, but since Im upgrading i was wondering if the panther grouper will pick on zoos or xenia that I have in my 30G?
anyone has experience with this?
P.S (I'm fully aware of panther grouper future size, i have a 100G ready to setup once I move to my new house)


Active Member
just be prepared for all the comments ona panther in a 30 G , thats not good!
nither is a 100 gallon!


thanks for the advice
, however I started the thread to discuss interaction between panther and coral (regardless aquarium size) and not to discuss on aquarium sizing for panther groupers :happyfish


yes we know that but he will need over a 300-500 gallon and the grouper propably wont beable to live with the corals


Its not so much that the grouper will hassle the corals but they are big fish and they eat EVERYTHING!! I babysat a fully grown grouper and its not that they destroy corals but they don't realise their own size and this fish would reguarly cause minor rockslides as it went in and out of the rock. Fish was fine but it would crush your corals!