papalyzed fish???


i have a red corris wrasse and he seems to be swimming stangely. Its like he has no control over the end half of his body (only his front to fins move) his back half seems to move with the current. Whats wrong with him and what should i do????


New Member
You have not given us enough info. Has your tank cycled? What are your water paremeters (ammonia,nitrite,nitrate)? Have you noticed any other unusual behavior such as not eating or swimming into the current? Can you see any spots, scratches, fin damage,or discoloration? Do you have lr,ls,corals, or inverts?


Eric, my friend has a panther grouper and it has the same thing your fish has. Do you have a lionfish? We all think, that my friend's panther got stung, by the lion. I don't know what it is but, I think it may be a lion sting, thats what I think about my friends panther.