Parasetic Snail?


I just recently recieved an order of turbo snails of this website. I noticed that one had a small white bump on it. It was about a quarter inch in diameter. Upon closer inspection, I discovered that it was actually a snail and imediently pulled it off. I put the little snail back in the tank and decided to just keep a close eye on it. It then reatached itself to a brain coral skeletion I have in my tank. After about 2 days of staying in the same spot, I pulled it off to see if it was alive. It was, and after putting it back in the tank, its cruising along the glass. It shell is white and like the top half of a clam shell, and it has no "trunk" like my turbos do. Should I take the little guy out, or leave him? :help:


No, it doesn't have any feelers like that, their more rounded and thick. Also, its trunk is more shaped like the velvet nudibranche's head. It has a flat, barley rounded shell, but not like a stometela's. Also, the shell is pure white, and the snails flesh is transparent. There is nothing in the I.D. thread that looks like him.


The one I posted was a stomatella varia, not sure what the one that is being discribed is.
stomatella varia is a harmless good guy snail. They are herbivores and feed upon micro algae in the reef tank.


Thanks for the reply Thomas, i'll try and get some pictures tommorow, if this thread doesn't get washed away. If it does, is it ok to make a new one?


Just go to your User CP and this thread should be listed, if not then your settings are wrong, but if you like to make a new one that would be fine.