Active Member
I acclimated a Naso Tang to my tank yesterday morning. It appeared healthy (no visible diseases, no torn fins, no signs of stress, no heavy breathing; it is even eating already) as I went to bed last night. This morning I woke up and noticed a BB sized dark-green/dark-brown growth on the fish's body near the base of the dorsal fin (I have attached a photo to help ID; it's not very good quality, but it was the best shot of the subject I could get). It almost looks like a pod jumped on the Naso's back during the night. Is this possible/common? If so, what methods should I take to help my Naso? The system is a 150 gallon FOWLR. I have a pair of cleaner shrimp in the tank, that have tried working on it but gave up and jumped off pretty quickly. My water readings are as follows: Ammonia-0ppm, Nitrite-0ppm, Nitrate-approx. 10ppm, pH-8.2, SG-1.023. I appreciate in advance any and all advice.