parent visit--need suggestions quick!


Active Member
My folks are coming into town and are psyched to see my tank. They've suggested we make a trip to Tropicorium (aka coral central) this big coral place nearbye and told me to do some thinking on what I'd like as an addition to my tank (I love my parents.) So, my question is, I know I can't add anything too fancy since my tank is only a few months old...but what's the fanciest thing I can add :) Simple brain coral perhaps? I'm really, really open to suggestions. My tank seems to be pretty healthy, only fatality I've had yet is one hermit crab and all my shrooms and leathers are happily open...


Active Member
Have fun up there. I visit that place often on weekends.
A bubble coral would probably do nicely under your lighting, as would some zooanthids, yellow polyps, or star polyps.
tell them what you have - tank wise and lighting - and they won't stear you wrong.


Active Member
I second broomer's advice. You just can't go wrong with either of those choices. I added all of those to my tank when it was fairly new and everything, with the help of this board, is thriving now. I have two bubbles bought at the same time, and several shroom rocks. The bubbles are huge, the green one gets about the size of a football. And the shrooms have started spreading and growing nicely. Bubbles are fun to feed too. Good luck. :cool:
And hey Broomer. I haven't said what's up in a while. Hope the tank and everything else is going well. :cool:


Not sure but if I recall your tank is less than two months old right. Might want to stick to the easer corls, polyps, leathers, shrooms...etc...stay away from the anemonies and harder corals for a while. boomers choices are very good.
Good luck at Tropicorm and look up the corals you have in mind before you go.


Active Member
hey, yeah, it's a little over 2 months past cycling. i did look up boomer's suggestions...i really like the look of bubble corals... :) or i'll just add to my mushroom collection
thanks everyone


New Member
Hey Guys,
I'm always ready to check out stores that I've never been before! Where is Tropicorium (aka Coral Central)? Road Trip!


1.) Maybe a Coral Banded Shrimp? 2.)What color crayon does it smell like? 3.)Do Mom and Dad want a son?



Originally posted by wetpetman
Hey Guys,
I'm always ready to check out stores that I've never been before! Where is Tropicorium (aka Coral Central)? Road Trip!

Tropicorium is in Romulus. They have a web site.


Active Member
Hey all,
Got two bubble corals--thanks for the sug. Broomer. They're beautiful! And some feather caulerpa and pods for the new refugium. My parents were really confused about the asking for bugs thing :) Always blows me away how huge that place is--and how cheap! I found out today they have a third room I never even knew about. And I thought they were huge before!
But, before I sound like I'm giving a sales pitch for somewhere else, I must say the snails and starfish I got from this site last week are looking/doing great :)


Leigh - They sell bugs! I could use some pods, describe what you got will ya? how much on the pods? I may have to take a trip. Lets see thats still on Ingster Rd isn't it?


Active Member
yes on inkster and the bugs were free. i spent $60 on the two corals, got $5 of feather calupera, and they gave me the crud from the bottom of a tray (all bug ridden etc...) for free. It had bubble algae in it which they warned me about, but hey, free bugs :)
oh, and i'm not sure what type of bug there was that was mostly what i saw...honestly, when i first looked at it they looked like guppie babies (from my fw days) if that helps...?
Good to hear from some Michigan folk! That place sounds nice - looks like I'll be making a road trip soon!:D
leigh, sounds like you got a good deal on the bubble coral. There's one store near me that wanted $80 for a bubble coral - it was a decent size though.


Active Member
yeah, miles they are fairly cheap, i think just due to sheer volume. kinda like this GREAT site...he he...really don't want to get in trouble for this thread. I'll take some pics of them today and post later...

sunken ship

All of those are good ideas. I just got a bubble coral yesterday and it looks great. It's one of my favorite's. I also like hammer coral, i saw one the other day that actually looked like a guy holding a hammer. But hey, it's your tank, go with whatever catches your eye.