PArents and tattoos


Ok this goes out for all the parents that hate tattoos....
My parents cannot stand when i come home with a new tattoo. I only have three and all are in concealed locations when im working but i want some more.
These will be in concealed locations also but they are going to mean a little bit more to the family.
If your son or daughter came home with your family members initials some where would you be as angyry?
im thinking of getting my mother and father on my triceps vertically... then my sisters initials on my back.


Active Member
I thought you had a big A tatoo on the top of your arm (star) or somthing like that.
I don't understand the whole tatoo thing and would probably be in the same boat with your parents. I two young children coming up in this tell me why people are so drawn to them. It also seems that people get hooked on them based on what I see at amusment parks........... :scared:


Active Member
i would key 'arts' on my children's cars and make them like it if they came home with tatoos.
it's basocally the same right?

but i don't have kids.


I like tattoos because they define certain parts of my personality.
Its not a big "A" that would be too self centered which i am not... it is however an upside down star to display my love for all things hard core... it is by no means a satanic symbol... man i have gas


yeah it sure does since when im fully dressed you cant see them... i did it for the attention your right.


New Member
I say if you really want it - go for it. I have my daughter's name name in baby blocks going down the back of my arm. She loves it...likes to spell her name out with it. To me it shows that you have a real commitment to your family if you are gonna get something like that done.
snailheave - not a bright idea to comment on nothing that you have experience with Why dont you throw a little ink on your body then come back with real opinion ok?


Active Member
I don't mind tattoos as long as they are not offensive.
I like the one on your arm, very cool. I am Irish (complete with flaming red hair) and have always wanted a Gaelic tatoo.
Anyway, my two-cents is that if your family does not like tattoos then they are not going to be thrilled no matter what you get, even it if is something sentimental like their initials. The fact of the matter is if it is something you want then do it, but don't expect them to love it or be happy about it.


I agree, if your family is not into the tattos then it will not matter what you get.
I have a jesus on my arm and My wifes name and 2 daughters names on my back.
My mother was not exactly happy when I got my tattos but It meant a lot to me to get my family's names on my back that I went ahead and did it.
If it means something to you then do it. My mother now doesn't say anthing any more she accepted that if I want a tattoo that I will get regardless of her opinion. She has seemed to like my tattos the longer I have had them. We are having another dauther next month and she is asking when I am going to put her name on my back next..
My wife has our names on her spine my mother likes her tattoo also.
They might become more accepting later on


Active Member
Originally Posted by rcp_pd
I say if you really want it - go for it. I have my daughter's name name in baby blocks going down the back of my arm. She loves it...likes to spell her name out with it. To me it shows that you have a real commitment to your family if you are gonna get something like that done.
snailheave - not a bright idea to comment on nothing that you have experience with Why dont you throw a little ink on your body then come back with real opinion ok?

i think i am going to end myself, come back, and tell you my opinion on suicide.
if you need to 'show' others your committment to your family, you probably don't love them enough.


Active Member

Originally Posted by pwnag3!!
Its not a big "A"

NO....not an actual A
I meant a big arse star on your arm. And it seems you do...............


Please don't take this the wrong way, but for future tats find a different artist. It appears you have major scarring under the tat. Your skin should be smooth where the tat is just like if it wasn't there. If it just looks that way from the pic then accept my appoligies. Also all lines should be straight where they are supposed to be. I'm not talking about the tips of the star, but where the star crosses itself. I am merely offering addvice as i have had some f'd up work done that luckily I was able to cover. My wife unfortunately got butchered and has what looks like the same type scarring your pic shows, it is usually from the artist going too deep with the needle. Don't let him/her tell you "oh with black ink thats the way you do it, it has to go deep."


Active Member
I like tattoos.... and I've also got a family issue with them....
I say, if you're going to do stuff ur family isn't pleased about, then keep it to yourself. B/c ur going to do it anyway

But seriously...from experience.... it's better to let sleeping dogs lie. Don't try to cover them up or be dishonest about them or anything, but parading them around infront of parents who are offended will only cause a rift.
They have to respect that you are your own person - but it would be ideal if you could also try and avoid openly stepping on their toes.
And if everyone could also post pix of all their tattoos....yah...that'd be kewl too

P.S. ...awesome ink, Pwnag3!!!! :jumping:


lets put it this way to each their own. I have several tattoos including a full back piece. Tattoos I belive are for people who are not afraid to express them self. I see nothing wrong with it and either should your parents. Understanding that I do belive you should be of age. I see more and more high school kids with tattoos and their parents not minding it. The way i also see it would you rather have a pro give your son or doughter a tattoo or see them do it at a friends house where you really wind up with something ugly. This is what I like to say to parents. We are in the year 2005 tattoos are excepted and usally the ones who say they dont like them are the ones who really want one.


To Each thier own i say, You be happy with you and others will accept you !
I personally don't do tats, but i can appreciate the artistic and personal commitment!
Your family dosen't understand, nor will they ever, But they will accept that this is something that gives you satifaction and will come around!

darth tang

Active Member
The tat is bumpy looking because the picture was taken when the tat was fairly older than a week I would say by the looks of it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
The tat is bumpy looking because the picture was taken when the tat was fairly older than a week I would say by the looks of it.
yep, it was healing nicely...he didnt knock off any scabs which is good..


Staff member
Just curious....I wonder what will happen when that symbol will no longer mean a thing to you....and believe me, there will come a day when it will mean nothing but a youthful memory.
I never allowed my son to get tattoos. I really don't care if people like them, or not, its an adult issue so I told him he needed to wait until he was an adult. Well, by the time he became an adult, he was no longer interested in tattoos. The moral of the storey being, its something you will have with you the rest of your life, so you need to be exp enough and old enough to decided if you want it or not.